Elite Pedophilia...Presidents and Prime Ministers.. Will it go down the memory hole?, page-77

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    How do you arrive at the stupid conclusion that made you declare:

    ' Why is the defence of George Bush so important to you?

    I wish the RC priests that I knew in my youth were still alive, so I could ask ask them the very obvious questions. But when it comes to sex, now that sex between people of the same sex has been normalised, should anyone be surprised at the RC peccadillos and men with power?

    Sex has been used, and abused, for centuries by men and women, by men to subjugate women, and by women to relieve men of their financial assets. But I am incredulous that we still have a major religion, Islam, that still relegates half of its adherents, its women, to a minor role and forces them to wear a hair covering cloth and, in some countries, to wear a face covering mask.

    Are Muslim men so incapable of controlling their sexual desires that the sight of a women's face sets their sexual desires on fire, to such a degree, that it leads to dire consequences for the woman so desired?
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