Exorcism, page-102

  1. 5,401 Posts.
    Nowhere does the bible say that toward the end it will be taking up by the watchtower, can you give a bible verse indicating towards the end the WT will come about.

    PPM, the Scriptures are quite specific in nominating that true worship would flourish in the time of the end while at the same time support for false worship would ''dry up''.
    At Isaiah 2:2 and Micah 4:1 the words “final part of the days” introduce a prophecy about the time when people from all nations would stream to “the mountain of the house of Jehovah.” This is happening!

    MrG, thanks for your reply, but what you posted nowhere does it mention the "Watchtower", it's only your take, there are well over 30,000 churches and all will say or try to say what you said that they are the true church and the bible is referring to them exactly like you are doing.

    I normally try not to post bible verses for anyone can put any spin on any verse.

    Look at this list, all these religions came about in towards the "end" just like yours did, most use the bible and for certainty they claim theirs is the house of the lord, now why is yours any different from anyone of them.

    You know the Bible students say they are the ones chosen not JW, see below.

    Maybe the explanation you gave belongs to one of the end times religion that came about like yours



    This early Bible Student history book is written by Bro. Ken Rawson, a Bible Student elder who knew more Bible Students from Pastor Russell’s and JF Rutherford’s time than any other Bible Student elder alive today.
    After the death of Pastor Russell in 1916, the purpose of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society changed drastically. Joseph Rutherford, whom Pastor Russell had recently dismissed from his staff, seized legal control of the Watch Tower, dismissed the majority of the Board of Directors, and established dictatorial authority. The Watch Tower became the central head and authority over all congregations willing to yield their sovereignty. Basic doctrines of the “new society” seriously digressed from the teachings of Pastor Russell as the writings of Pastor Russell were discarded. The methods of conducting the evangelistic work were altered. The more sensational digressions, such as refusing blood transfusion and saluting the flag, caught the public’s eye. But many individuals and whole congregations refused to surrender their Christian liberty or accept the new teachings. As early as 1917, the exodus from the newly declared sovereign headquarters
    began. By 1918 one-fourth of the Bible Students left Judge Rutherford and remained true to the teachings of the late Pastor Russell.
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