Extend gun amnesty after Vegas: Shorten

  1. 19,689 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 484
    is this guy just a head line grabbing motor mouth
    or just too stupid for words

    something happens
    10's of thousands of Ks away around the other side of the World and Shorten
    want to do something about it here in AU

    why not take a look at the drink and drug drivers in the US
    or the same here
    that kill so many each and every year
    or the medical deaths here and the US

    but not, just opens his big mouth without thinking

    Extend gun amnesty after Vegas: Shorten
    Labor leader Bill Shorten is calling for an extension of the federal government's gun amnesty in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre.
    Mr Shorten welcomed the 28,000 firearms handed in during the three-month amnesty but warned there are an estimated 600,000 still on the streets.
    "Today I'm calling for a further extension of the gun amnesty," he told the Nine Network on Thursday.
    Mr Shorten described the scale of death and destruction at the Route 91 Harvest Festival as almost beyond comprehension and imagination.
    "I think every Australian who woke up the massacre in Las Vegas thought thank God we live in Australia with our gun laws," he said.
    In addition to the amnesty extension, Mr Shorten also wants to see gun smugglers, who run criminal syndicates bringing illegal firearms into Australia, face up to life imprisonment.

    His call comes as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets with state premiers and chief ministers in Canberra to discuss beefing up national security laws.
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