Face it MT is not a leftie as you lot think, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17486
    Where is your list that he is socially left??? Or anyone else's list. I have given a list and they ain't left things he has done. Base it on what he has done. So your lists please not one line slogans and the evidence around the policy/money MT has spent on them.

    If it is my point 8 - the only one where ALP has agreed with MT on my list - my comment on SSM is below to one of the posters of the right here who blabbered the no vote had won. Note on SSM the right is in agreement with muslims and the chinese LOL based on the 11 seats in Sydney in the no camp so at the time I laughed that the right were calling them normal Australians but change their views when it comes to migration. Note I only support skilled migration because I do not believe our budget position and cost of living allows us to take on anymore unskilled immigrants and also believe in if not born here do a crime and be deported (and note I was born overseas so that applies to me too).

    Anyway, as I said MT is not a leftie and below is that reply to one here of the right on his lack of mathematical capability. So evidence MT is a leftie that has translated to policy and spending outcomes. He speaks politics, yes I support that but if allocates no money and does nothing then all talk no action and the only things I see he has done have been right leaning btw (hence the opposition from the ALP and Greens)

    From post: Post #: 29511932

    You are starting to make a fool of yourself on this issue. Your basic argument is that 20% of the population did not vote in the SSM survey. Therefore 61/6% of 80% becomes roughly 49% of the total voting population and somehow you think the full 20% that did not vote would be in the no camp and hence no won. Seriously you need to get a grip on reality as you are making a clown of yourself. Maybe the 20% that did not vote did not care btw but let me put it this way to you:

    The aged and over 50s had the highest voting proportion and the highest no vote, even though among that group the yes vote still prevailed. The under40s had the lowest voting proportion and highest yes vote. Infact based on that if 100% of people voted the yes vote would have been higher because the under 40s predominantly support SSM. End of story. The only fake news here,is what you bring to the table Hairy.

    Also if you look at those 11 seats around Sydney that voted no they are predominantly in muslim/chinese area and ironically ON supporters here, and some of you, accept their vote as normal Australians for SSM but say they are 'scum' when it comes to immigration issues which is a joke in itself at the lack of consistency by the right here (note- I only support skilled migration and do not care where people come from and also feel we can no longer as a Nation taken on refugees given our Budget position and if we are to take refugees we take the most persecuted from the middle east been Christians btw and let the arab states do more in terms of the muslim refugees)

    Also your lack of consistency on voting issues is not unnoticed by me either. In terms of Brexit and Trump, well a lot of people did not vote there either and I could say the same rubbish as you that the result was actually different been no Trump and no Brexi, but you know the majority is based on who voted and how they voted so accept the result rather than whine and whinge like a child. I certainly didn't see you challenging the vote for Brexit btw which was very close and chucking those who did not vote into the no camp well well well, but that is a rubbish thing to do.

    Finally as I said to you the other day in italics below:

    FFS give it a rest. Even religous leaders have said there are enough protections in the legislation for religious freedoms. Priests will not be forced to marry same sex couples in church btw.

    Religous leaders can differentiate between business and religion. If a cake owner does not want to make a wedding cake for same sex couples that would be discrimination on business laws not religous laws, Why not allow business to discriminate on race, women etc if belive that crock from those lower house pollies talking rubbish on this topic btw.

    The misfits in the conservative side of politics are playing cute. BTW do you honestly think same sex couples will support businesses anyway like a cake owner who does not support SSM. Storm in ateacup.

    Or another way to put it is why don't we put in the SSM Bill things that business can discriminate against age, sex, marital status, race, muslims, people who are divorced etc etc. Why not abolish the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 is really what you are saying. If a celebrant does not want to marry a same sex couple become a Minister/worker under the church FFS , or because this is a storm in a teacup say you are busy that weekend and cannot officiate. Cake owners - well I really see them knocking back business in these tough times. Why don't you list the businesses you want exempt and then explain to me why not allow them to discrimante against say blacks, jews, muslims, chinese etc etc etc

    Pathetic post by you and many others on this thread. Business is business. Seriously what a storm in a teacup by the right.

    Give it a rest mate.

    Rant over
    Last edited by Scarpa: 06/03/18
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