fireworks - BORING

  1. 29,503 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    ok - a lot of people like them .. that is not a problem.

    on new years eve watso switched the tv on and watched the sydney fireworks for a few minutes - then lost interest .

    locally there was a new years event with entertainment - which watso enjoyed - but was home by the time of the fireworks .

    ok fireworks are better than no fireworks .. but nothing makes up for the genuine fireworks of guy fawkes night when watso was a kid .

    anyway guy fawkes night was banned - except for a community guy fawkes night - but that soon petered out .

    anyway there will be another lot of fireworks for australia day.

    it must have been australia day fireworks which watso recalls watching from an ex brother in law's flat over looking (from high up in victoria park) perth - watso recalls that display being very good - as one was almost sitting on top of the fireworks .

    another time was when watso was with a mate who had a boat - and we were as close as possible to the action
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