My Nellie Kellie passion fruit vine is doing very well, must be...

  1. 61,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    My Nellie Kellie passion fruit vine is doing very well, must be 100 fruit on it and heaps more flowers coming on. Seems to self fertile which is great.

    Other Passion fruit vine is called Sunshine Special, bigger fruit than Nellie Kellie. Once it started flowering I noticed fruit didn't form, so started had pollinating and since then have 2 dozen fruit on it. Don't mind spending a bit of time each early evening pollinating the 1/2 dozen flower that open each day.

    LOL had to laugh at daughter in-law that says she doesn't like passion fruit because of the seeds rolleyes.png

    Pulled up most of my garlic as the tops had fallen over and drying, disappointing but at least I have some. Note to self, plant a month earlier

    French Shallots looking super good, will leave in the ground while stalks are still strong
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