Fukishima, the gift that keeps on giving.

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    Government authorities in Japan have announced new plans to start dumping highly radioactive wastewater from the failed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility directly into the Pacific Ocean.

    Though the amount of radiation in the water far exceeds legally-permitted levels, according to the plant’s operator and documents reviewed by the U.K.’s Telegraph, there’s apparently no other place to put it at the site, which is on the verge of seeing its storage capacity completely maxed out.

    Reports indicate that approximately 1.09 million tons of contaminated water currently being stored inside 900 tanks at Fukushima will soon be drained in the Pacific in order to make more space for new water, a move that’s sparking outrage among local residents and a number of environmental organizations that worry about what the vast contamination will do to the world’s largest body of water.

    TEPCO, Japanese government have clearly been lying about “safe” Fukushima wastewater

    The announcement is sure to be puzzling for anyone who believes the narrative that’s long been conveyed by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) that nuclear wastewater at the Fukushima site is “safe,” containing only small levels of the radioactive contaminant tritium.

    It also brings up questions about the repeated assurances from the Japanese government that a so-called “Advanced Liquid Processing System,” or ALPS, developed by the nuclear arm of Hitachi Ltd., has been effectively removing all other radioactive materials to “non-detect” levels, which doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Governments lying?  What IS the world coming to?  (never mind, I can see quite clearly.)

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