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GE Healthcare, page-10

  1. 203 Posts.
    Hey Mikro, I think you smashed the nail right on the head in this post and I am siding with your thoughts 100% that GE is possibly interested in an area other than bioseparations.

    I believe that GE has multiple ranges of biosensor/SPR products for sale that may benefit from incorporation of M&G technology. For example, you will notice that within particular ranges is a lack of protein A/G or GST binding surfaces. GE also lacks any for of pre-activated surface that are universally friendly to the binding of proteins or antibodies. GE also has antibody capture kits that could be benefited by discontinuing and replacing them with anti-mouse and anti-human Ab coated M&G surfaces, which would benefit the end user. Furthermore, M&G can bypass the end user having to activate the surface for protein coupling (saves hours and reduces effort). Also worth mentioning is that the streptavidin and polyhistidine binding surfaces are quite expensive, and a researcher can actually avoid the heavy costs of purchasing these GE surfaces by 70+%, and some cases +90% by activating their own surfaces with M&G biosensor product, which takes about a minute of hands on work.

    So I do truly believe that there are many products that GE could either improve or create or invent in the biosensor area with this technology. The potential for $$$ wouldn't be anywhere near BBI or POC1 for these applications, but it would be nice to get the foot in the door with GE if it isn't already. But anyway, lets not get ahead of ourselves, what are the odds that GE employees designing these surfaces are even aware of this technology?

    All just IMO, dyor.
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