Gender equality...

  1. 2,156 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    Step 1 in equality: Under public pressure, the US Marines allowed women to join provided they could meet the strict physical endurance and combat standards.
    Step 2 in equality: The women were failing the physical endurance and combat tests at an alarming rate compared to the men.
    Step 3 in equality: The women complained that this was because the tests were too hard and did not take into account the fact that women did not naturally carry the muscle mass that men did.
    Step 4 in equality: A new set of standards were introduced for the women so that that many more could pass the tests and be accepted as combat marines.
    Step 5 in equality: The women US marines complained that because they were not getting field combat experience, they were not advancing up the ranks as fast as the men. They had on average a lower pay rate than the men.

    What will step 6 in equality be? "The enemy are killing more women marines than male marines - how unfair!"

    Gee I love "equality". If you do not get your way, cry harassment.
    Before the Gulf war, there was a surge in unexpected pregnancies from women crew members who were to be posted to the middle east. What a time to decide to start having a family!
  2. 7,359 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 256
    Flash you have got them going again ,

    Children it’s the HUMOUR form !!! Religious bigots you have your own slot together will the politicians- unfortunately we do t have a snowflake forum but looks like one is needed !
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