ADN 0.00% 0.7¢ andromeda metals limited

Tonnage out of the site will all depend on state/council...

  1. 1,957 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 125
    Tonnage out of the site will all depend on state/council approval..........class 8 trucks have a capacity of approximately 15,000kg...........if they were dispatching 200,000t of product from the site/year, 365 days/year, that would equate to approximately 36 trucks a day!
    That is why building a processing plant (big sieve) and trucking dry processed rather than DSO is so important.
    Having a truck leave the site 24/7 every 45 min rather than every 1.5h is no big deal (especially when they can mine a years worth of product in only 6 weeks) but all depends on approvals.............maybe they can swing the locals a few bob to stave off any local objections wink.png
    Either way IMO the SP is going 10c plus sooner or later.................just a matter of time.

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