Gillard defends Thomson amid new allegations

  1. 6,939 Posts.
    "Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been again forced to defend Labor backbencher Craig Thomson, amid new allegations which appear to cast doubt on his denial that he used his union credit card to pay for prostitutes.

    Mr Thomson has admitted authorising the payment to an escort service in 2005 - but has said another man used the card and forged his signature. "

    Who can ever forget Thomson, Slipper and Gillard and their threesome dance.


    "Former federal Labor MP Craig Thomson has been charged over his alleged involvement in a multi-million-dollar migration fraud.

    Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers arrested Mr Thomson, 57, at his Terrigal home on the NSW Central Coast this morning.

    It's alleged he was the "prime facilitator" of the scheme.

    Mr Thomson was charged with two offences, including providing false documents relating to non-citizens.

    If convicted, he faces a maximum 10 years behind bars.

    The former member for Dobell allegedly facilitated more than 130 fraudulent visa applications, focusing on food service employees and regional farm workers, over four years.

    It's alleged Mr Thomson gained more than $2 million from the scheme."

    Surely it could only be an ALP automaton who could spend $2 million on prostitutes?

    Maybe it is not true? Can't wait for those prostitutes to give evidence especially as why they were so expensive.

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