God exists!Yes indubitably God exists – in the minds of the...

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    God exists!

    Yes indubitably God exists – in the minds of the believers!
    Everyone creates their own ‘reality’ with their minds and if you really want god to exist then she’ll exist for you, kind of.

    The universe is Mind!
    Your existence is Mind!
    Your reality is Mind!

    How else to explain the puzzles posed by quantum physics and phenomena of every kind such as:

    • Non-locality of mind; established in countless scientific experiments

    • The wave/particle conundrum where the interaction of an observer/mind determines the outcome

    • The independence of mind from matter/brain. Mind is NOT an emergent property of the brain; can’t be and has been proven so countless times.

    • Following from last point, Mind’s survival of our physical existence into different realms and new incarnations; well researched and established fact.

    • Mind over matter, well researched and established fact; a simple demonstration: think of chewing on a sour lemon and what happens? Your tastebuds send (‘physical’ i.e. chemical/electrical) signals to your brain and you register the thought as a physical ‘reality’. But that is but a tiny sliver of the vast body of evidence of Mind over Matter established in scientific research.

    • Near death experiences where the mind is free to wander and observe and the patient, though bereft of any brain activity, can remember in vivid detail the proceedings, from near and far, while declared ‘dead’.

    So the reality we see is the reality we create with our own little outcropping of the universal mind, the ground of all reality.

    But as we all know, the mind can be deceptive and play tricks on us and make us believe in realties which aren’t borne out in fact.
    False memories, misinterpretations, memes, accepting lies as truth, hallucinations, all serve as a basis for false realities, and believe in a god is just one basis for such a folly.

    Cutting edge science has a lot of exciting insights to offer and everyone would do him/herself a favour acquainting themselves with this body of knowledge, but by and large only confirms what Adepts, Mystics and Buddhist practitioners knew for millennia; there is no need for a god nor is there a place for her, other than in the minds of the believers.

    And that’s where she’ll remain!
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