Powell has just said the silliest thing since he said there wont...

  1. 12,108 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3162
    Powell has just said the silliest thing since he said there wont be a lot of inflation from printing money. Then the 10 year exploded to show him that he needs to take a rest and have a cup of tea. Someone should send him a basic history book on money. The truth is that the US cant stop printing and the next US budget will require trillions more. How did the last bond sale go?
    Gold is holding even with rising bond yields because if inflation is coming (it is and even he said it would) then gold always does better over time. Not bad when the way they measure inflation is silly in its self ( it allows them to print). Have a look at the money supply graph and tell me that BS again. He reckons people are buying Bitcoin as a substitute for gold and not the US dollar. Yeah right. He says this and in the same sentence reckons bitcoin is worthless and is backed by nothing. The US dollar is not backed by anything either and they just keep printing it. Imagine if bitcoin just kept releasing billions of dollars worth of new coins every month? Like to see the price then. So why would people be buying something worth nothing as a substitute for a real money hard asset like gold? You can either have 31 ounces of gold or a bitcoin backed by nothing. I dont see that has a hard choice. It was more ounces when bitcoin hit its high.
    The largest bitcoin holders for years were in there well before any of this rubbish printing took place and well before gold doubled. People want to diversify away from the US dollar and pretending otherwise is ridiculous. The whole world is printing, so its a race to the bottom with FIAT currencies anyway. There is plenty of room for gold and bitcoin in the world. Bitcoin is only capped at 1 trillion bucks while the US budget is a multiple of that every year. A one year US military budget is worth about the same as all the bitcoin on issue.
    For the record, when Nixon came off the gold standard in 1970, gold was worth $35 per ounce. It is now worth $1738 and ounce. That same 1970's $35 gets you a devalued same $35 bucks today. That means the US dollar has already devalued by over 95% in 50 years against the gold price. I think the market is calling out the BS.
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