GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

gold, page-94714

  1. 13,754 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 704
    As Gold soon is awarded with a tier ONE classification as with same as US$ that is a promissory note of the gov..
    With that tier ONE class Gold has much bigger allowed power$ only cryptos can dream of...
    The banks as conservative are not dreamers but realists and golds real in tier ONE will be starting of a new appreciated values it can give.
    Money makes money, soon Gold makes money better $o ...
    Whilst the paper dollars are printed, diluted , devalued gold is gold as proven always was/is....
    When the banks get a brain the gold volumes will be in desired demand....
    New era for our precious soon as sort that GOLD and please as it not dirt cheap...
    Nearly last call for jewelers stock take$.
    GO whom number/tier one that all globally that is being credited from...

    Last edited by Goldnumber: 20/04/21
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