HGO hillgrove resources limited

Great time to buy, page-25

  1. 2,544 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 451
    The future is never what we think technology wise.
    Who would have thought a phone would have a typing feature that we all used that was really only put there originally so technicians could communicate with each other to tune early cellphone towers in so the voice side could be lined up and would work.
    A bit like the big demand for Copper for infrastructure.
    All those electric cars must mean more transmission power lines and generators - right????
    No its all changed and overall TRANSMISSION power loads are being evened out mainly using existing lines off peak.
    Instead batteries react and instantly are shifting the peak demand load and power plants that just ran in case of demand or to stabilise the load are now being used as base generators instead or being de-commissioned.
    Even the old power stations and sites are having batteries installed as they have the connection infrastructure already in place for no cost.No more running just in case the power is needed.
    Home computers used to be 15% of total power demand now its 10% is used for cloud servers and most of us use laptops that last 12-16hrs on a charge or our phones.

    The one thing we do know however,is this mine is a quick cheap start and others require $Billions in investment just to get started.
    It just aint gonna happen unless Copper prices justify it.
    A Panama mine has just been mothballed part way thru construction with $billions already spent.
    The other titbit is a lot of processed Russian copper was making its way out thru China by being treated and sold as scrap.
    It's time is limited as no-one wants to be hit with sanctions if any is used in trackable exports and also Russia is losing its electrical infrastructure daily along with its domestic gas/fuel distribution/processing and one thing is needed to turn concentrate into metal and that is CHEAP POWER.

    Nickel based batteries have been replaced by lithium based for many uses and very soon to be replaced with something else so it is obvious why some metal markets have become rather dangerous.
    Copper can be replaced by Aluminium in some cases but Aluminium is a very very energy intensive material to produce and needs even more cheap power than Copper.

    I have topped up at these prices.

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