I thought you'd shift the goalposts this way.Gardasil had it's...

  1. 4,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 657
    I thought you'd shift the goalposts this way.

    Gardasil had it's own share of controversy and hesitation - perhaps even more to this one which is worrying.
    It too was lobbied by big pharma interests to force it onto young kids, prioritizing big $ over the scientific benefits for those age groups.
    There was quite the stir in the political and medical world over it's rollout.
    In the end, this vaccine took 7 years of design and development, completed the phase III trials, and had it's efficacy and safety monitored before rollout - as one should expect.
    Covid vaccines took just ~6months of development and are still in phase III trials - a medical experiment - yet being mandated...? WCGW

    There are some key differences in the mandate here - for your comparison to be a valid point it's important to make clear;
    - HPV vaccine is mandated in a very small subset of professions
    - Welfare requirements I believe only target parents, unvaccinated adults are able to claim those benefits so it was an ethically questionable tactic to increase uptake rates onto the low income demographic.
    - Besides those "drawbacks", there are no other social or legal mandates that would prevent people enacting their informed medical consent and continuing as normal in society without consequences or discrimination.
    *However that is not the case for these covid vaccines*
    - They are trying to mandate it for a wide array of professions and no doubt onto private business owners
    - Likely to be required for all welfare recipients
    - The societal disadvantages of NOT getting the covid jab are entirely detrimental to one living a "normal" life as a free person in a supposed liberal democracy.

    How long were the covid vaccines in development for? 6 months.
    Are they a completely new type of vaccine? Yup, an entirely new method.
    Comparatively - how many adverse events have been logged for serious covid vaccines into VAERS, yellow card, TGA etc databases and would that indicate that it's safety should continue to be monitored BEFORE mandating or jabbing our next generations?
    Lot's. Any other vaccine would have been recalled a long time ago.
    FYI I have received HPV jabs, after careful consideration and informed consent.

    Can you see the difference?
    My point remains, these latest mandates and proposals violate informed medical consent by means of state sponsored coercion ...
    They can't legally mandate all citizens to get it - and they know it - so instead they coerce via a thousand cuts targeting your means to earn a living, to travel freely, to be a participant in society etc etc. Doesn't that ring alarm bells?
    This is tyrannical and we should all hope that logic and human rights prevail in the courts of law - yet many are far too ignorant to the implications with a "I got it so you should too" high horse.

    I'll say it again...
    Jabbing the entire population including our kids - the next generations - with a first of it's kind, rushed to production, yet to complete full medical trials vaccine and mandating it, while adverse event databases are chock full of serious concerning data, onto a population demographic that are essentially immune to the virus and receive no health benefits, may go down in history as the worst medical disaster in history.
    Any long term effects which shorten lifespan, may be hereditary and see genetic regressions or other systemic problems passed down for future generations, and perhaps may even affect our entire races reproductive abilities is an abomination and the epitome of medical shortsightedness, government incompetence and public ignorance.
    Big pharma win again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements
    Gee they are a trustworthy bunch aren't they?

    Leave the kids alone you absolute weirdos. Those big pharma lobbyists are toying with our entire species here - you can't argue against these risks as we simply don't have long term safety data. These are serious risks, and judging by the short term effects littering the databases it's a real risk.
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