Here is a plan for the Libs to win the next Comm Election

  1. 22,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    (a) Dump Dutton late next year
    (b) Elect a small l Lib woman as leader
    (c) Inveigle some of the Teals to join the Libs
    (d) Devise policies that appeal to women/financially stressed households
    (e) Soften policies on immigration etc

    In terms of 2 party preferred voting in Aus , its always has been
    46% Lib/Nats & 46 % Labor with 8% swing voters in between.

    Recently, however, the Coalition has managed to crib working class
    votes from Labor ( anti union tradies etc etc)

    Next election the swing voters will likely be:
    (1) women
    (2) financially stressed households (likely recession 2023-24)
    (3) disenchanted youth.

    And it'll be out with the old & in with the new

    PS: A small L woman liberal leader wont sit well with populist RW
    misogynists who prefer the Strong Man leader (the proper bastard's answer to a father) but I guess
    depressed bi-polar world of RW Populism its a necessary
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