How will the Pandemic Treaty be implemented in Australia?

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    There is little doubt that theWorld Health Organization’s proposedPandemic Treatyis an implicit attempt to erode the sovereignty of nations and undermine individual rights.

    Now, showing themselves to be clear puppets of the globalist elites,Australia’sAlbanese Laborgovernment called for the establishment of an agency similar to theUnited States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).

    This new agency will work to better ‘coordinate’Australiawith theWorld Health Organization(WHO) in implementing international health regulations and the proposedPandemic Treaty, once its adopted by theWHO.

    TheCDCis an American public health agency whose mandate is to control and prevent the risk of disease, injury, and disability within the country.

    While supposedly a noble goal, theCDChas beencriticisedfor serving interests of Big Pharma and undermining attempts at making information about the dangers of the mRNA ‘vaccines’ public.

    The push for an implementation of a similar body inAustraliafollows the general script for manufacturing public approval for any sort of major governmental change.

    The politicians argue that they were woefully unprepared for the pandemic and so now they have to establish this new agency that will infringe on your liberties.

    But don’t worry, it is totally for your benefit and not an obvious attempt at greater authoritarianism!

    What is interesting is that before the pandemic, theGlobal Health Security Indexranked Australiaas one of the best preparedin managing a pandemic outbreak.

    And it probably was… without the need for lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and other harsh draconian measures!

    As an aside, anew book(PlaguedbyNews CorpjournalistsSimon BensonandGeoff Chambers) that’s out onAustralia’s response to the pandemic, says former Prime MinisterScott Morrisonand State premiers had “reservations” that the bureaucratic working group which first suggested lockdowns, theAustralian Health Protection Principal Committee(AHPPC) “was making things up on the run.”

    This observation apparently came after Chief Health OfficerBrendan Murphyallegedly toldMorrisonand the premiers that while the pandemic situation was “looking worrying” it was “probably a bit of time away yet” before the need to start locking the nation down.

    Literally an hour or so later,Murphy— acting on “aggressive” desires from some of the State chief health officers “for a complete shutdown, no events at all, indoors or outdoors” — told the Prime Minister and premiers they had to restrict the size of indoor and outdoor events.

    This was the beginning of locked downAustralia.

    The book states:

    InMorrison’s words, they had just gone “from zero to 100”. TheAHPPC’s advice to shut down large parts of the economy had taken them all by surprise.

    Two years down the line since the pandemic, we have come to find that the lockdowns that increased our debt, made many jobless and isolated, and made our economy more vulnerable simplydidn’t work, and neither did thoseirrational mask mandates.

    Back in August last year, when I was an Australian Member of Parliament, I gave a speech in parliament, declaring masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work and ‘vaccine’ passports don’t work.

    For that, I was condemned by theHouse of Representatives(with bothLaborandLiberalpoliticians supporting the condemnation motion) and, to top it off,Facebookremoved the speech from its platform for allegedly being misinformation.

    The speechonly exists onYouTubebecause the words “masks don’t work” has been erased from the audio.

    In addition to masks not working, lockdowns not working and ‘vaccine’ mandates not working, we all know now how dangerous these so-called ‘vaccines’ are to our health.

    There is also the question of exactly how COVID-19 even qualifies as a big enough crisis to divert more of the taxpayer money towards creating a new public health agency, especially since existing ones have proven they can wield a big enough stick against the Australian populace.

    Of the near 10 million Australians who have caught COVID-19 in Australia since, almost 99.87 per cent have survived.

    That’s a case fatality rate of 0.132 per cent!

    And this figure itself is generous considering that not all cases of COVID-19 have been reported to authorities but deaths have been overinflated due to bizarre reporting requirements.

    The fact remains the government and the World Health Organization has known for some time that this ‘pandemic’ isn’t really the healthcare crisis it is made out to be.

    However, it simply cannot resist the opportunity to capitalise on people’s fears to bring about greater authoritarianism and fulfil the globalist agenda.

    We, the people, must see our governments for what they have become: no longer democratic but rather beholden to corrupt oligarchs and globalist interests.

    It is only with eyes wide open can we take back our rights and reclaim true freedom for us and our fellow man.

    Until tomorrow,Godbless you, your family and our nation.

    Take care,

    George Christensen

    Last edited by sahmee: 17/08/22
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