Is housing a human right?

  1. 16,274 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    That's what this guy says, but of course he might be a goose.

    "A rental advocate has called for Australians to dob in landlords with empty houses so those struggling to find somewhere to live could potentially squat in them. Using squatter's rights to live in and eventually acquire a property without having paid a cent for it has almost become a part of real estate urban legend.

    ...He told Yahoo Finance he's trying to thwart homeowners who are letting their properties sit idly instead of allowing others to buy them, or setting rent at a reasonable amount so a tenant could move in.
    If a landlord is land banking, just waiting for the value of their property to improve before they sell it, that's unethical. So either just sell your house or let someone rent it out. It's pretty simple," van den Berg said.

    Jordan van den Berg has launched a campaign to identify abandoned properties across the country."

    They're coming for your empty house.
    The great state of Victoria is taxing your undeveloped land.

    Aux armes citoyens!
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