Is this the answer

  1. 3,351 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 299
    after much thought i make the following points

    in australia and everywhere else we are all still in the first wave - there is no second wave.
    the lockdowns did their job in slowing infection rate to ease hospitals capacity
    the lockdowns cannot stop it, only a vaccine
    vaccine if pssible many months off, but whole world trying so maybe.
    infection probably 99% an inside job - catching outdoors is probably so low it is irrelevant - so spraying streets as u see on TV is bloody nonesense - more show than usefullness.

    The only way to slow it down and live with the virus (becuase we will not erradicate it even possibly with a vaccine), without lockdowns is i believe as follows

    masks need to be worn in close proximity to strangers fullstop

    TESTING is everything and what the research should also concentrate on is a test which is close to or IS immediate to the detection of active covid - this would allow the rejection of entry of anyone at any place. it maybe it something u do at home before u leave, a kit maybe - maybe reuseable, which then the data is transfered onto your mobile phone which then gives u access to the outside world - entering a train, office, cafe etc etc - trouble is it would be a huge task to install such hardware/software everywhere!!! - but anyway something along those lines - and as i say it is the testing that can best control the virus, becuase self isolation and all that doesn't work cant rely on everyone to do the right thing!!!

    but logically at this stage this is the only way to actually control the virus but let everyone get on with life and avoid a lockdown every 5 mins there is an outbreak

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