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I believe the protracted suspension of ISX by ASXis not about...

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    I believe the protracted suspension of ISX by ASXis not about performance shares, the IE Report, the escrow of the performance shares or other any “publicised” reason that the ASX has given, they are just a “smokescreen”, (for reference also see posts Post #: 47274545Post #: 47257504). After nearly 1 year of the ISX suspension, if it was any of the above reasons we would know about it by now, especially given ASIC’s investigative powers and ability. I believe the ASX suspension of ISX is not about ethics or fairness it’s about money and protecting the ASX and established KYC, payments groups and the banks that continue to launder money, the banks want the massive profits that money laundering generates, $2.7 trillion over 20 years i.e. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-21/leaked-fincen-files-reveal-international-banks-dirty-secrets/12673318. The ASX have had ample opportunities and evidence to suspend Australian banks for allowing money laundering but they haven’t, why?

    ISX have “exclusive patented” methods to uncover money laundering, probably by the most thorough and fastest method available by any global payments provider, ISX have also proven the “know how” to effectively apply those patents. The amount of revenue that is available for applying this fast method to meet AML regulations for merchants and banks is staggering and the large banks and payment providers know it, I believe that is what the ASX suspension of ISX is about. Who knows what is happening “behind the scenes” with ASX, ASIC, the banks and Visa, as we know Visa have taken a huge risk by exchanging ISX customer information, possibly in breach of the highly regulated privacy laws in the EU. The ASX are trying to develop a KYC service and upgrade to Chess using “block chain” technology and, I believe, are trying to “future proof” their business and monopoly by slowing, stifling or stopping competition i.e. ISX, especially when that competitor can offer a superior “exclusively patented” KYC and settlement service to customers and are developing the ISX/NSX joint venture “block chain” Clearpay faster than the ASX Chess upgrade. Understandably, we would assume that the ASX operates with integrity and are committed to the practices outlined in the ASX Corporate Overview (available on the ASX website) although I now remain doubtful that they do, especially in the case of ISX. I believe the great “fair” country of Australia has an “unfair” monopolistic Market Operator overseeing listed companies. I believe very few investors in the Australian stock market realise that the ASX have “absolute discretionary power” to do “whatever they like, to whoever they want, at any time they wish”, I believe this “communistic type” rule, that the ASX are currently allowed to have, i.e. “absolute discretion”, is a disgrace, particularly without the “right” for ASX listed companies to challenge any ASX decision without taking them to an independent court. It appears the ASX defence against ISX relies totally on their rule of “absolute discretion” and “click bait” media to try and win the ISX vs ASX trial as they have no factual evidence in their defence that proves any reason for the protracted suspension of ISX.

    ISX, very wisely, to protect ISX and us Shareholders, had to take ASX to the Federal Court and if ASIC arrive at some “trumped up” charges against ISX then ISX will likely take them to the Federal Court as well. The Federal Court offers an impartial forum to have the ISX vs ASX case heard, if ISX had not taken the ASX to court then the ASX may have been successful in destroying ISX and, in doing so, a great Australian innovative payment and settlement business that adds greater speed and integrity to global financial payments, a global market that is growing in demand. As it looks now, if ASIC do not agree to be the governing body of ISX then ISX will likely move to a more sophisticated premium stock exchange as their main bourse. Although they will keep attempting, I believe the ASX don’t have the skills, drive and “know how” to develop a KYC service to compete with ISX and to upgrade the Chess “block chain” platform to compete with the ISX/NSX Clearpay ‘block chain” settlement service, it also looks like the ASX may be stifled by having their regulatory authority to do so stopped or reduced, I believe, the ASX monopoly is coming to an end.

    The ASX have so much to gain by stopping ISX and the ISX/NSX joint venture development of Clearpay and so much to lose if they don’t. The ASX are trying to “play down” the importance of the ISX Federal Court claim of damages against the ASX of $200,700,000 relating to ASX’s decision to suspend and continue to keep suspended, trading in ISX shares and damages of $264,000,000 against the ASX for misleading or deceptive conduct in breach of section 1041H of the Corporations Act 2001, which arises from ASX’s publication of the “Statement of Reasons” by stating that it is “not material”, therefore trying to minimise publicity and allow the ASX more freedom and time to try and win the ISX vs ASX case in “anyway they can and by whatever means”.

    Get ready ISX shareholders; if you thought that the HC ISX forum had some serial “downrampers” now it will likely multiply when fund managers/ shorters, established “dark pool” groups, media, money laundering groups and competitor/s invest considerable funds to support the “downrampers” as the ISX vs ASX trial looms closer. This will occur on other Social Media platforms as well, although with John Karantzis “holding them to account”, as he has demonstrated by suing the AFR for defamation, may make the “downrampers” think twice before they act. Let’s be enormously grateful that we have a courageous leader in John Karantzis, a courageous board, team and shareholders who back him up.

    Who do the “downrampers” on this ISX forum, and other Social Media forums that discuss the ISX vs ASX legal case, work for? Fund managers/ shorters, established “dark pool” groups, media, groups dealing in money laundering or competitor/s to ISX? For 11 months the ASX and “downrampers” on the ISX forum, and in most other Social Media forums that discuss the ISX vs ASX legal case, have been largely controlling the agenda threads/topics from the ASX SOR (“smokescreen”) and the ASX’s “side” of their announcements about their “publicised” reasons for suspending ISX and continuing to do so. We, as ISX Shareholders, have been “drawn in” to these discussions and defended ISX, as we had reasonably assumed that the ASX publicised reasons for the suspension of ISX “are” the real reasons.

    Given that the ASX suspension of ISX is approaching “1 year” without any factual evidence as to why ASX suspended ISX and continue to do so, do we continue to allow “fabricated” information to largely dictate the discussions on this forum, or in the broader forums, that discuss the ISX vs ASX legal case? I realise that it is not easy to develop threads/topics that discuss what could be the “real” reasons behind the ASX’s continued suspension of ISX as discussing those reasons would largely be speculative and with little evidence, however, isn’t that what the ASX have been practising with their SOR (“smokescreen”) being full of speculation, supposition and innuendo with no factual evidence? So why don’t we, as ISX Shareholders, establish greater control of the discussion of topics, whether we can prove them or not, just like the ASX and the “downrampers” on this and other forums have done? For whatever benefit posting ISX supportive posts on Social Media offers, I believe, as time gets closer to the ISX vs ASX trial ISX will need as much support as we can give, ISX are taking on a giant monopoly who have significant influence and will do “whatever they can, by whatever means” to win. Some of those threads/topics have already been started by ISX Shareholders as itemised below*.

    This is the HC ISX forum, not the HC ASX forum, let’s control the main discussion of topics on this forum and delve into speculation (as we have started to do) as to the “real” reasons why ASX have, I feel, an unfair and protracted suspension of ISX. However, the “downrampers” will obviously attack, they will also make what appears to be favourable posts when they can’t sway opinion, then maybe get some likes from innocent ISX Shareholders, then “gradually” re-start their “downramping”. The “downrampers” are now also resorting to sarcasm; they will also resort to “emotionally provocative” statements to try and get a response and then control the direction of the discussion. When they realise we are not responding they will likely get angrier with personal attacks, lies and vile comments. I’m sure they will try other manipulative strategies to try and sway the topics back to the ASX SOR (“smokescreen”) and suggest other topics/discussions designed to “downramp” ISX. Fortunately we know who most of them are however it appears that they also start new HC accounts with very few posts. We may need to just repeat our same posts, with a small change so that the post remains on HC. Of course the “no response” option is always available.I will be responding to the ASX SOR as the “smokescreen” from now on and I encourage ISX Shareholders to do the same, it may be one of the ways to “shine the light” on areas that are more likely to discover the truth behind the unfair protracted suspension of ISX, we may also get to control more of the direction of discussions in favour of ISX on this forum.


    ·Visa’s possible involvement in breaching EU privacy laws

    ·Visa’s Antitrust Investigation by European Commission

    ·Possible breach by the ASX of their own disclosure rules through stating that the ISX claim against ASX for misleading or deceptive conduct in breach of section 1041H of the Corporations Act 2001 is “not material”

    ·ASX’s Listing Rule 18.7 being used to demand copies of ISX “legal advice”

    ·ASX not allowing ISX to place their Official Response to the ASX Statement of Reasons on the ASX Market Announcement platform.

    ·UK’s Financial Conduct Authority grants ISX eMoney & Payment Services

    This is only a start on some of the great threads/topics that ISX Shareholders have commenced, I encourage you to please research these and add your posts, please also add additional threads/topics that may have already been posted by “known, or to the best of your knowledge known”, ISX Shareholders or other “supportive” threads/topics of ISX that you want to discuss. Please also continue to send emails (examples of topics to email are in my previous posts, you just need to update and amend them so that they are from an “individual” not a template) to regulatory bodies, politicians and senate enquiries, there are a number of those contacts mentioned in my and others previous posts. Please be polite and put your name and residential address in your email. When you email also Cc all the parties you are emailing to in the same email, this creates greater accountability, the opportunity for an action in response to your email and a possible reply.

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