Julian Assange Arrested in London, page-52

  1. 1,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    People can say what they want about China being a police state but they need to be woken up that the West is exhibiting all the same features like the repressive USSR. You are being distracted with materialism which is fleeting and built on unserviceable debt to the loss of your freedom, rights and wealth by a ruling cabal behind the curtain that Wikileaks has exposed a glimpse of. But feel free to slowly gorge yourself with cr@p and chemicals while your heath system is dismantled and family unit is destroyed with individualism, relativism, nihilism and a lowered IQ population and education system to make yourself submissive animals to be controlled and divided.

    Don't worry the news cycle will dismiss this as nothing soon to the back pages at best, while I get occupied with GOT soon till MAFS gets a new season while I eat my Macca's and see some internet popup ad's on cheap c@ap I don't really need but somehow talked about earlier but must have while I search the net for cat videos while I type the word pussy.
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