Julie Bishop Typical Liberal Lite Minister

  1. 7,454 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    Julie Bishop rejects calls for help for white South Africans !
    Julie is at all times concerned with her UN image . She is obviously lining up a UN position for when Turnbull is defeated.
    Rhiannon recently called for a donation to an educational charity of unproved value and Julie handed over $80m of taxpayer`s money.
    The right people , the right image!
    When New Guinea had a major earth quake recently she found $200,000 to help their dire and immediate need .
    Later increased to $1 m after dissent.
    Bishop`s prime motivation appears at all times to be image (Un that is ) and what`s in it for her.
    Australian interests come a poor second
    These South African farmers being tortured, killed and dispossessed have no mileage at the UN so Bishop is not interested .
    They have made great, self sufficient migrants in the past unlike the 50,000 boat people let through under labor and stopped by Morrison.
    It was announced in parliament recently that this ill suited bunch have already cost Australia $13,500,000,000( 131/2 billion ).
    Julie is not noted for her loyalty and quietly and efficiently betrayed Abbott`s prime ministership for the smoother but totally useless Turnbull.
    Sadly Julie is a perfect example for this inadequate Liberal lite Turnbull government .
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