JWs and blood, page-215

  1. 5,522 Posts.
    While I'm at it, here is more info that you need to digest and be aware off as this has a bearing on the way you do and see things

    By the end of the sixteenth Century no less then 270 sects had been enumerated and some that have been extinct for centuries, following the example of Martin Luther, Zwingli and Calvin doctoring or removing books from scripture and distorting history to fit a mindset, most Protestant are not aware that Luther wanted to throw out James, for him it didn’t fit his mentality nor did St Jude, Hebrews or Revelation.

    Most of the new sects had doctored their own version of the bible, it was a big issue with Henry 8th and all the sequence monarchies, trying to crack down on it gave rise to the King James version

    Bishop of London found 2000 errors in Tyndale’s bible, Sir Thomas More found it necessary to write a treatise against it

    It was customary to burn the works of your opponent in those days John Calvin in 1522 burned all the copies of Servetus Bible at Geneva, Calvin went even further to have Servetus himself burned to the stake.

    From the time of Luther, Luther himself knew what he has done as he realized that every Tom Dick and Harry with no real understand with reading scripture, they elevate and crowning themselves to supreme authority as to what scripture are saying or supposedly are saying

    This was basic knowledge within 1500-1700 so much so it flows onto today with those who don’t know any better just repeating and doing the same thing

    Dr Wilton, Bishop of Chester, and author of the Polyglott Bible writes in his Preface “ about the end of the seventeen century, There is no fanatic or clown from the lowest dregs of the people who does not give you his own dreams as the word of God, From the bottomless pit seems to have been set free open from whence a smoke has risen which has obscured the heavens and the stars, and locust are come out with wings – a numerous race of sectaries and heretics, who have renewed all the heresies and invented monstrous opinion of their own. These have filled our cities, villages, camps, houses – nay, our churches and pulpits, too, and lead the poor deluded people with them to the pit of perdition. “

    One must feel sorry for such people who are born within this mentality as they don’t know any better, where and how their version of reality was born
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