kill it, cook it, eat it

  1. 6,485 Posts.
    Today for the first time I watched this series, testing myself. I am an animal lover and can not bear to see an animal hurt.
    I'd seen the show on the program before, but didn't think I could sit through it. Today was the lamb episode, and they brought out one so little I could not believe it. The episiode was about milk fed lambs only 6 weeks old that are popular in Greece and France.
    The first lamb they tried to kill with a pair of electric tongs, but it did not work in front of a studio audience. They then went to the bolt through the head technique before cutting the jugular.
    It was horrific, yet the best western culture could offer. Once they got to where it looked like a carcass of lamb in a butcher, I was more comfortable.

    The tasters said in a majority that they would prefer Spring Lamb (older) as it was a milky soft texture, no fat and tasted slightly different

    I love meat and ironically lamb, but like many others buy it in clingwrap at the supermarket.

    I don't know what to think. I may watch the next episode shown now.

    My usual argument for this is that sheep and cattle are mostly useless unless we eat them, drink their milk and wear their hides.
    But killing them is ghastly. I was thinking I don't know that I could be friends with the guy that worked all day putting bolts into little lambs heads.

    Thoughts? I'm a city wuss I know and a hypocrite. It's just got me thinking.
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