Labor political adviser arrested and charged with child abuse offences.

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    A senior political adviser to Labor MP Nat Cook and a high-ranking Correctional Services officer have been arrested and charged with child abuse offences.

    The Advertiser can reveal the pair were arrested following ongoing investigations into Jadd William Brooker – the HIV-positive paedophile who sought to infect children with the virus.

    The pair, Labor staffer Ben Waters, 38, and a Port Lincoln man, 37, were arrested late on Tuesday as a result of a SA Police/Federal Police Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (JACET) investigation.


    Waters has been an adviser for Ms Cook, the Opposition Human Services spokesperson, since 2019, while his 37-year-old co-accused is acting in a management position with Correctional Services.

    Waters has worked across several Labor MPs’ offices as an adviser for the past decade.

    He worked as a campaigner in London for the UK Labour Party for three and a half years until returning to Adelaide in 2019, and has worked in Ms Cook’s office since that time.

    Ben Waters was a senior adviser to Labor frontbencher Nat Cook. Picture: Facebook
    Ben Waters was a senior adviser to Labor frontbencher Nat Cook. Picture: Facebook
    Waters has been remanded in custody. Picture: Facebook
    Waters has been remanded in custody. Picture: Facebook

    In a statement, Ms Cook said she was advised on Tuesday afternoon “that one of my staff members was charged with child abuse-related offences’’.

    “I was shocked when learning of these charges,’’ she said.

    “Naturally, my office has fully co-operated with the Australian Federal Police and South

    Australia Police investigation and will continue to do so.

    “As soon as I was made aware of the charges, I took immediate action and advised the Department of Treasury and Finance and requested that his employment be immediately terminated and that all access to buildings and IT be blocked.

    “I also advised the Labor Party, who I understand held an emergency State Executive meeting this morning and have expelled this person as a member.

    “As the matter is now before the court, I am unable to make any further comment.’’

    Nat Cook, the Member for Fisher and Opposition Human Services spokesperson, said she took immediate action to terminate Waters’ employment and access to offices, after learning of the charges on Tuesday. Picture: AAP/Emma Brasier
    Nat Cook, the Member for Fisher and Opposition Human Services spokesperson, said she took immediate action to terminate Waters’ employment and access to offices, after learning of the charges on Tuesday. Picture: AAP/Emma Brasier

    Waters, of Adelaide, appeared in Adelaide Magistrates Court on Wednesday afternoon and did not seek bail.

    He is charged with one count of producing child abuse material through a carriage service, two counts of aggravated possession of child exploitation material and two counts of possession of child exploitation material.

    His lawyer asked for a home detention bail report to be prepared and a four-week remand in case a plea could be negotiated. He will appear again on Thursday next week.

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