Less meat ! What next ?, page-4

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    This thread reminded me of last night's Q&A and the manner in which non-meat eaters [I'm a lifelong vegetarian] have been / are treated in Australia:

    "... Melis Layik, formally a student of a college in Melbourne, was invited to share her own story after asking the panel a question about how universities have handled rape and sexual assault accusations in the past.

    "One man, with assistance of two others, climbed into my second-storey room [at 3:00am] and threw raw meat at me," Ms Layik said.

    "I went to the college numerous times and each time, they did nothing about it and in fact, they made me feel like I was making a big deal out of this and that I was seeking attention or something like that.

    "They knew that I was vegan, and they thought that was something they could personally attack." …"


    We're fortunate that two thirds of the World's people live on non-meat based diets and will look the Medusa in the face if that deteriorates.

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