And we the pro freedom of medical choice should refuse to be...

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    And we the pro freedom of medical choice should refuse to be paying for the government vaccine adverse effects compensation scheme through our taxes your choice to be vaccinated your choice to get sick or die from the vaccines which is happening right before our eyes.
    We should refuse to pay for fat people who get sick in hospital because they eat shit all the time, we should refuse to fund through our taxes, drug addicts, alcoholics, pediphiles, x crims, that haven’t had flu shots, hep a and b shots, hooping cough, aids shots the list goes on .
    If your vaccines are so great why is it that everyone is basically testing positive for the cold when 90 % of the population are juiced up time to stop being self righteous and look at reality.
    I am going to have a guess that you want children to also be forced to take the experimental shit as well when they have a 99,9% chance of not even getting the cold.
    Have a look below to see what is coming to organisation’s, doctors, nurses, teachers, media personalities and companies for playing their part the genocide and crimes against humanity.


    This notice of liability is directed at all persons who play any and all roles, including but not limited to; authorising, promoting, administrating, conducting the medical procedures, facilitates the medical procedures, applies any directive for mandated immunisation of children against COVID-19 that cause, in any part, the injection of Clinical Trial Phase mRNA serum into the bodies of the children.

    Any person who, has knowledge and/or is aware of the matters related to or described below, directs or participates in the coercion into taking of or the implementation of any mandatory injection of Clinical Trial Phase mRNA technology into children, will be confronted with the prospect of being charged and found guilty of a serious criminal offence, punishable by a long period of incarceration and/or heavy fines, or be sued for damages in civil court. Refer Annex A below.

    Information pertinent to this issue, about which all persons in authority are duty bound to be aware of the following:• It is believed the global Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for COVID19 is ~ 0.15%, the chance of a person dying from COVID-19 is ~ 1 in 3 million. The IFR for under 25’s is believed to be ~ 0.006%, so there is a much smaller chance of dying for this age group.• The chance of males in that age group developing a potentially fatal inflammation of the heart after receiving a COVID-19 injection, is believed to be around ~ 1 in 2,331. The injections of mRNA technology is therefore much more dangerous than the disease they seek to nullify for that age group.• When researchers reviewed data in a recent study, they pulled the data apart by age and gender which firmly shows that males under 40 are at far greater risk for myocarditis than infection from COVID19. Some suggest that if the data for younger ages like 5 to 17 is pulled out, that the vaccine induced myocarditis risk is even more markedly elevated than infection from

    COVID19.• It’s also important to note, the Australian Government Department of Health has added A new MBS item to assist in diagnosing myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Quote “From 1 January 2022, a new item (63399) is being listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assist in diagnosing myocarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Item 63399 will be available for use from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022.” End quote.• There are also serious concerns raised in other studies that this technology interferes with the body’s ability to resist cancer and disease generally.• These injections do not protect persons against variants of COVID-19 and evidence is surfacing they may, in fact, increase one’s susceptibility to this disease.• Naturally acquired immunity has been found to be significantly superior to that which is conferred upon by the use of mRNA injections.

    • There are no long-term safety data available for the currently available COVID-19 mRNA injections. This is particularly relevant to fertility and to unborn children of those who are subjected to this medical procedure.• The currently available COVID-19 mRNA injections are still in trial phase until 2023.• All efficacy studies, as well as early red flag safety indicators for children globally, raise serious questions about the cost to benefit of COVID-19 mRNA injection regarding children.

    As noted below, it is generally well known that worldwide, health experts in various and relevant fields are calling for an immediate stop to the vaccination of children with the experimental COVID-19 mRNA technology injection. They are very clear, publicly stating that there is no necessity for children to be inoculated for COVID-19.The assertion is made because in their professional opinion the injuries being observed because of the Covid-19 mRNA injections are causing more harm to children than any benefit of mRNA injections.The experts mentioned form part of the Global COVID Summit, The World Council for Health, as well as the many individual physicians and scientists speaking out around the world raising concerns and demanding a stop to the injection of children for COVID-19.
    The Global COVID Summit of 15,000 physicians and scientists on the 29th October;RESOLVED, THAT HEALTHY CHILDREN SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO FORCED VACCINATION (view supporting evidence)- Negligible clinical risks from SARS-CoV-2 infection exist for healthy children under eighteen.- Long term safety of the current COVID vaccines in children cannot be determined prior to instituting such policies. Without high-powered, reproducible, long term safety data, risks to the long-term health status of children remain too high to support use in healthy children.- Children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine. Permanent physical damage to the brain, heart, immune and reproductive system associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic vaccines has been demonstrated in children.- Healthy, unvaccinated children are critical to achieving herd immunity. Natural immunity is proven to tolerate infection, benefiting community protection while there is insufficient data to assess whether COVID vaccines assist herd immunity. alsoWorld Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines”And from their declaration at Point C – “We now know that children are over one hundred times more likely to die from these experimental injections than COVID-19.” As well as the 12- to 17-year-old cohort, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), on the advice of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), has recently announced the approval to have the COVID-19 mRNA injections made available for the five- to eleven-year-old cohort from January 10, 2022.This is absolutely absurd, given the trial status of the COVID-19 injections, being there is no long-term safety data available, and the efficacy and safety questions being raised from around the world.As the science is not settled, the COVID-19 injection program for any child in Australia, MUST be cancelled until such time the concerns raised about inoculating children with COVID-19 mRNA technology have been fully investigated and scientifically debated by global scientists via a public forum.

    So, to any and all Australian politicians and or bureaucrat who continues to promote, encourage, direct, coerce, or bribe any Australian child to receive a COVID-19 mRNA injection, in the absence of significant coverage of the known and suspected adverse effects as indicated by global evidence, cannot be viewed in any other way than gross negligence and a complete failure of duty of care. Therefore, you are and will be held personally accountable for any and all adverse events resulting in a permanent injury or disability or death that may result in a child in Australia, now and into the future.
    This could include legal proceedings as outlined in Annex A below.To any and all individual in Australia who is responsible for the care of children either in a paid or volunteer capacity; with regard to the COVID-19 mRNA injections, your continued participation in this, in the absence of significant coverage of the known and suspected adverse effects as indicated by global evidence, cannot be viewed in any other way than gross negligence and a complete failure of duty of care. Therefore, you are a willing participant and will be held personally accountable for any and all adverse events resulting in a permanent injury or disability or death that may result in a child in Australia, now and into the future. This could include legal proceedings as outlined in Annex A below.

    This applies in particular to any man or woman acting in the capacity of School Principal or Child Care Director around Australia who themselves, or who allows staff to encourage children or allows presentations by third parties or media to be circulated within the school, Child Care or to parents of the school encouraging the uptake of the Clinical Trial Phase injections in the absence of significant coverage of the known and suspected adverse effects as indicated by global evidence. The previously stated people acting as School Principals or Child Care Directors also, are and will be held personally accountable for any and all adverse events resulting in a permanent injury or disability or death that results in a child under their duty of care in Australia, now and into the future.

    This could include legal proceedings as outlined in Annex A below.To any and all men or woman acting as health professionals and workers who are involved in injecting the experimental mRNA COVID-19 injection into the arms of any child in Australia, in the absence of significant coverage of the known and suspected adverse effects as indicated by global evidence, cannot be viewed in any other way than gross negligence and a complete failure of duty of care. Therefore, you are and will be held personally accountable for any and all adverse events resulting in a permanent injury or disability or death that result from injecting the experimental mRNA COVID-19 into a child in Australia, now and into the future. This could include legal proceedings as outlined in Annex A below.

    To any and all individual in Australia who is being remunerated by a salary / wage or is a volunteer for providing support to a child in Australia and encourages, coerces, or bribes a child to receive an experimental mRNA COVID-19 injection, in the absence of significant coverage of the known and suspected adverse effects as indicated by global evidence, cannot be viewed in any other way than gross negligence and a complete failure of duty of care. Therefore, you are and will be held personally accountable for any and all adverse events resulting in a permanent injury or disability or death that may result in a child under your duty of care in Australia, now and into the future. This could include legal proceedings as outlined in Annex A below.In regard to the continuation of the roll out of the COVID-19 mRNA injections and mandatory reporting:According to the Australian Government, Australian Institute of Family Studies, the definition of Child abuse and Neglect is as follows:“Child abuse and neglect refers to any behaviour or treatment by parents, caregivers, other adults or older adolescents that results in the actual and/or likelihood of causing physical or emotional harm to a child or young person. Such behaviours may be intentional or unintentional and can include acts of omission (i.e. neglect) and commission (i.e. abuse) (CFCA, 2018).”Child abuse and neglect is commonly divided into five subtypes:- physical abuse- emotional abuse- neglect- sexual abuse- exposure to family violence. from the Australian Government, Australian Institute of Family Studies:“Who has to report?Mandatory reporting legislation generally contains lists of particular occupations that are mandated to report cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. The groups of people mandated to report range from persons in a limited number of occupations (Qld) to a more extensive list (Vic. and WA), to a very extensive list (ACT, NSW, SA and Tas.), through to every adult (NT). The occupations most commonly named as mandated reporters are those who deal frequently with children in the course of their work: teachers, early childhood education and care practitioners, doctors, nurses and police.”Also“Can voluntary reports be made about abuse and neglect, even if not required by the legislation?Any person is lawfully entitled to make a report if they are concerned for a child's welfare, even if they are not required to do so as a mandatory reporter. Anyone making a voluntary (non-mandated) report is also protected with regard to confidentiality and immunity from legal liability as outlined above.” all of the information available to me, I have reasonably concluded that there are grounds that all children are at risk of harm should they receive the COVID-19 mRNA injections. Treatments, which I will repeat are experimental and are still in trial.So, to that end and based on all the evidence available to me to date, I am of the firm conviction and belief and will assert that the injection of any Australian child with the currently available COVID-19 mRNA injections, has more chance of physically harming a child than the possibility of the disease COVID 19 has of harming a child, and as such could be construed as child abuse, warranting mandatory reporting.

    (Your Name)(Your Signature)(Date)Served toate:WitnessAnnex A)Manslaughter Charges AustraliaManslaughter is one of the most serious offences in the Crimes Act 1900. Any homicide that does not amount to murder shall be taken to be manslaughter.

    If you do something that results in the death of another person you can be charged with manslaughter.You can also be charged with a criminally negligent manslaughter sentence if you do something resulting in the death of another person and were grossly negligent in failing to act.The difference in sentences between murder and manslaughter is often substantial. There are two forms of manslaughter: voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter.Voluntary manslaughter is where there is present in the offender a state of mind that would support a conviction of murder. The act or omission causing death was committed with intent to kill or inflict grievous bodily harm. Or, with reckless indifference to human life.

    THE ELEMENTS FOR MURDER ARE:You committed an act or omission causing death;With intent to kill or inflict grievous bodily harm (really serious harm). The necessary mental state must exist at the time of the act or acts of the accused that caused the death of the victim. It is not necessary for the prosecution to prove that the accused intended to cause the death or the injury in a particular way; orWith reckless indifference to human life. You did an act foreseeing that it is probable – as distinct from possible – that death would result from that act; orThe death occurred during you committing an offence that is punishable for life or 25 years.

    INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTERInvoluntary manslaughter by gross negligenceThe offence of involuntary manslaughter by gross negligence is committed when a legal duty of care is owed to the deceased and the death of the deceased is caused by an intentional act or omission in circumstances which involved such a great falling short of the standard of care which a reasonable person would have exercised, and which involved such a high risk that death or grievous bodily harm would follow, that the doing of the act merits criminal punishment.The courts will find you guilty of the offence of Manslaughter by gross negligence if the police cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt:You had a duty of care to the deceased.There was negligence on your part in that your act was in your breach of that duty of care; andYour act caused the death of the deceased; andThe act merits criminal punishment because:It fell so far short of the standard of care which a reasonable person would have exercised in the circumstances; andInvolved such a high risk that death or really serious bodily harm would follow; andThe degree of negligence involved in the conduct is so serious that it should be treated as criminal conduct.Involuntary manslaughter by unlawful and dangerous actThe act of Involuntary manslaughter by unlawful and dangerous act is committed when death is caused by an act which is both unlawful and dangerous. It is not necessary that you were aware that the act was dangerous. Provided that a reasonable person would have appreciated that the act was one which in the circumstances, exposed others to the risk of serious injury.MANSLAUGHTER SENTENCE AUSTRALIA Manslaughter charges carry serious jail time. The punishment for manslaughter in Australia is a maximum penalty of 25 years imprisonment in the Supreme Court. Page No 4 of 4

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