SPL 0.00% 10.5¢ starpharma holdings limited

You are full of it. Also in regards to Heparin and other...

  1. 9,697 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 981
    You are full of it. Also in regards to Heparin and other existing pharmaceuticals please look at the decades of knowledge and trials showing its interactions and how it can't or can't be absorbed etc. HC posters have in general been mislead by massively optimistic posters who clearly have chosen not to understand the process and system. Doesn't mean it won't succeed in some aspects in time with correct data .

    As for your reference to other poster - Starts with a msiquote and then heads down an incorrect path and onto the usual conspiracy. "Clear evidence" - What a load of bull!

    Please go and read TGA information and also go and learn about the other products and check the timeline of what decisions have been made historically in regards to Astodrimer sodium and Vivagel- big hint - poisons schedule - FDA package etc etc, insuffecient or incorrect data package, nil or delayed slow enrollment trials , legal challenges etc etc along with catagory change

    Please go back to original source documents and real factual information not what has been written by "promoters " on HC and you will get a clearer picture of possible different choices and pathways SPL management could have made with possibly different outcomes. It is not always conspiracy . Read the last quarterly without rose coloured glasses on and recent announcements and it may become clearer IMO . SPL has chosen words carefully IMO rather than clearly come 100% clean in regards to previous CEO and program.

    Don't feel vindicated if Viraleze ever gets through TGA as it is just a process
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