onions for GUT HEALTH

  1. 29,627 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    A good segment on the radio the other day .. but onions are great for healthy microbes in the gut .. and a lot of problems are caused by bad gut health ..

    maybe there is a relevant podcast on abc about the matter - but maybe this link will do ..

    Onions, like all vegetables, contain dietary fibre which supports digestive health. However, it's the fructans in onions - a type of prebiotic fibre that resists digestion - which is most relevant for good gut health...

    lol loll comment on the radio show - was that onions have not gone up much in price - and still available at $2/kg ..

    mmm picked up 2kg bags of onions for $1 from spud shed .. ie 50c/kg
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