Pork ribs

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    Gordon Ramsey Pork ribs

    In a roasting pan place 3 to 4 kg / six or eight serving of pork ribs.

    Season with the following:
    2 cups stock.
    One joint of sugar cane cut into spears or quarter cup palm sugar.
    One medium diced onion or 3 chopped spring onion.
    ½ cup honey or maple syrup.
    ½ cup tomato sauce or eta bbq sauce.
    25 mm diced ginger.
    6 cloves garlic.
    A few splashes Japanese vinegar.
    A few splashes rice wine or sherry.
    1 or 2 chillies or ½ to 1 teaspoon jerk paste.
    1 teaspoon fennel seeds.
    ½ to 1 teaspoon aniseed.
    ½ to 1 teaspoon Schwan pepper.

    Check for taste.

    Roast at 180 c for 1 hour.

    Turn once.

    Glaze by heating on top of the stove or in the charcoal webber with the lid on
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