PDN 3.07% $11.41 paladin energy ltd

294808PALADIN ENERGY LTDACN 061 681 098Level 4, 502 Hay Street,...

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    ACN 061 681 098
    Level 4, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Postal: PO Box 201, Subiaco, Western Australia 6904
    Tel: +61 (8) 9381 4366 Fax: +61 (8) 9381 4978 Email: [email protected] Website: www.paladinenergy.com.au
    17 January 2013
    ASX Market Announcements
    Australian Securities Exchange
    20 Bridge Street
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    By Electronic Lodgement
    Dear Sir/Madam
    FOR PERIOD ENDING – 31 December 2012
    ? Record sales revenue of US$133.9M for the quarter, selling 2.78Mlb U3O8 at average price of
    ? Record quarterly and annual production at both the Langer Heinrich and Kayelekera mines.
    - combined production for the December quarter of 2.191Mlb (994t) U3O8 is an increase of 13.6% on the
    September quarter and is the equivalent of 103.1% of nameplate production of 2.125Mlb U3O8 for the
    - total annual production for CY2012 of 7.946Mlb (3,604t) U3O8 is a 34% increase over the previous
    calendar year.
    ? Record Langer Heinrich production of 1.419Mlb (644t) U3O8 is an increase of 9.9% on the previous
    - record recovery of 87.4% versus design of 85%.
    - feed grades of 805ppm U3O8.
    - demonstrated ability of the project to produce well above nameplate at design of 800ppm feed grades.
    - further optimisation initiatives underway.
    - Stage 3 Bankers’ Completion Tests successfully completed.
    ? Kayelekera production of 772,280lb (350t) U3O8 is an increase of 20.9% on the previous quarter and is
    an all-time quarterly record.
    - quarterly production at 93.6% of nameplate while remaining constraints in the resin-in-pulp circuit (RIP)
    are being addressed.
    - feed grades of 1,159ppm U3O8 (design is 1,100ppm).
    - consistently improved acid plant production continued to provide positive cost implications with
    reduced dependence on imported acid.
    - increased likelihood of securing low cost grid power to site within the year is progressing well.
    ? Cost savings and optimisation initiatives continue successfully with total costs and unit production
    costs reducing at both mines.
    ? FY2013 production guidance of 8.0 – 8.5Mlb U3O8 remains well on target.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 2
    Ref: 294808
    The Group continued its high safety performance with a 12-month moving average Lost Time Injury Frequency
    Rate (LTIFR) of 1.1. During the period, one LTI (foot injury) was recorded at the Langer Heinrich Mine (LHM).
    The high profile safety management initiatives as part of a comprehensive Safety Action Plan and a new cultural
    programme (Unwritten Ground Rules – UGRs) implemented at LHM to redress its recent slightly decreased
    safety trend are bearing fruit with fewer injuries reported and numerous site hazards being addressed over the
    past quarter. During this time, the annual NOSA HSE grading audit was conducted and the preliminary result
    has been a 4 Platinum Star rating.
    There were no LTIs at the Kayelekera Mine (KM).
    Sales for the quarter were 2,783,424lb U3O8 generating revenue of US$133.9M, representing an average sales
    price of US$48.10/lb U3O8 (average Ux spot price for the quarter was US$43.16/lb U3O8). Sales were a
    quarterly record and reflect in part the uneven distribution of contracted deliveries through the year. Sales
    volume in the March 2013 quarter will be closer to quarterly production.
    LANGER HEINRICH MINE, Namibia (100%)
    Production by quarter
    LHM Mar 2012 Qtr Jun 2012 Qtr Sep 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    U3O8 Production (lb) 1,052,364 1,322,480 1,290,462 1,418,583
    During the quarter, the plant delivered further improved performance to new record production levels – not only
    the overall production but also the overall recovery levels. Overall plant throughput also further improved to
    914,847t crushed – a 2% increase from the previous quarter.
    Production totalled 1,418,583lb U3O8, which was 9.9% higher than the previous quarter. The operation is
    performing consistently with continuous improvements taking place. During the quarter, the Bankers’
    Completion Tests for Stage 3 were successfully completed.
    The overall mined quantities decreased over the quarter as one of the primary excavators were taken out of
    operation as part of the cost rationalisation programme. The mining schedule was revised in order to either
    reduce or defer mining costs. Ore mining and availability were not affected as excavators were relocated as
    Sep 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    Ore mined (t) 1,556,040 1,191,756
    Grade (ppm) 652 798
    Additional low grade ore mined (t) 1,341,345 757,649
    Grade (ppm) 321 320
    Waste/ore ratio 1.72 2.54
    Mining continued in three pits with sufficient ore exposed to fulfil plant feed requirements. The revised mining
    schedule also included the mining of suitable waste for tailings storage facility (TSF) construction.
    ROM ore stocks have been maintained at around four weeks’ supply while being supplemented by medium and
    lower grade ores in line with the crusher blend requirements.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 3
    Ref: 294808
    Process Plant
    The increased plant throughput continued in the December quarter as reflected below:
    Sep 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    Ore milled (t) 896,355 914,847
    Grade (ppm) 754 805
    Scrub efficiency (%) 92.0 92.7
    Leach extraction (%) 93.4 95.1
    Wash efficiency (%) 86.9 86.7
    Overall recovery (%) 86.8 87.4
    Ore feed tonnage through the process plant increased by 2% with total throughput of 914,847t.
    The front-end circuit continued to perform well, again achieving record throughput. The scrub efficiency has
    improved to 92.7% (against a design efficiency of 93%). As reported previously, optimisation work in the
    screening area in order to further improve performance is ongoing, with the classification section remaining the
    focal area of the optimisation efforts.
    The extraction in the leaching circuit improved in line with expectations. This part of the circuit is now operating
    close to design parameters and the focus will be on improving throughput consistency to gain further extraction
    improvements and better management of reagents.
    Although the efficiencies in the Counter-Current Decantation (CCD) circuit have been maintained, this area of
    the plant continues to have the biggest opportunity for further improvements. Additional modifications and
    improved operating procedures are being implemented, which should lead to further improvements in this area.
    Modifications on both of the NimCix circuits have been completed and both circuits are now fully commissioned
    and operational. With both the NimCix circuits and the old Fixed Bed IX circuits available, further improved
    performance in this area is also expected.
    The overall plant efficiency increased to 87.4% against a design recovery rate of 85%. The most significant
    contributor to this new record overall recovery rate has been the further improved leach recoveries. The
    improvement in the scrub efficiency also assisted whilst recoveries in the wash section remained consistent.
    The detailed designs for TSF3 (the first full in-pit tailing deposition area) were completed during the quarter and
    construction work was commenced during this period. Tailings deposition is envisaged to change from TSF2 to
    TSF3 during the first half of CY2013. Construction of TSF2 and TSF2 extension also continued throughout the
    Production Optimisation
    During the quarter, an order was placed with Schauenburg MAB for the delivery of the first Hydrosort unit that
    will demonstrate the benefits of this technology to the beneficiation of the ore. This first unit is scheduled for
    commissioning at the end of the June quarter this year. Upon a successful demonstration, it is envisaged that at
    least one further Hydrosort unit will be installed to further improve ore beneficiation performance, reduce
    operating costs and increase resource utilisation.
    There is also significant effort being directed toward the improvement of operating practice at the site now that
    the operation is consistently achieving nameplate and is in its post-commissioning phase. Material gains are
    expected as a consequence of these initiatives over the year.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 4
    Ref: 294808
    KAYELEKERA MINE, Malawi (85%)
    Production by quarter
    KM Mar 2012 Qtr Jun 2012 Qtr Sept 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    U3O8 Production (lb) 724,552 726,299 638,950 772,280
    Production during the December quarter was a record, exceeding the previous quarter by 20.9%.
    Mining data
    Sept 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    Ore mined (t) 193,953 404,261
    Grade (ppm) U3O8 1,065 1,814
    Additional low grade ore mined (t) 145,328 63,201
    Grade (ppm) 523 521
    Waste/ore ratio 3.93 1.54
    Total material mined for the quarter was on target with ore mined 12% above target due to a change in mine
    sequencing. .
    Ore availability on stockpiles (ROM pad) remains in excess of four months of plant requirements.
    In line with the wet season weather strategies, ore mining to ROM stockpiles will be maintained in the next
    quarter to reduce the risk of crusher feed delays due to inclement weather.
    The reconciliation between the resource model, mined and plant figures remained good.
    Similar to LHM, a detailed review of the mining plan was undertaken with the view to minimise mining
    requirements as part of overall cost savings initiatives.
    Process Plant
    Operating data
    Sept 2012 Qtr Dec 2012 Qtr
    Operating time (hrs) 1,708 1,942
    Mill feed(t) 323,409 356,764
    Grade (ppm) U3O8 1,111 1,159
    Leach extraction (%) 86.9 90.7
    RIP efficiency (%) 93.6 93.9
    Overall efficiency (%) 81.4 83.8
    Operating time was a quarterly record.
    Leach recovery increased to just below 91% due to the ore feed blend, however acid consumption was
    maintained at budget with on site acid production largely meeting process requirements.
    Resin management remains a primary focus. Improvements in RIP efficiency are expected as the RIP
    Refurbishment Project reaches completion in February. Resin deliveries have stabilised.
    Overall recovery increased from the previous quarter as a result of the improved leach recovery and a slightly
    improved RIP efficiency.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 5
    Ref: 294808
    Production of 261,929lb U3O8 was achieved in October and 262,299lb U3O8 in November, equating to 94.5% of
    nameplate, and 248,052lb U3O8 in December, equating to 90.2% of nameplate.
    December production was down largely as a result of a partial mill liner change out and various other mechanical
    restrictions in other parts of the plant as well as temporary restrictions in RIP.
    Production Optimisation
    The key area of process optimisation for KM is in acid recovery. Detailed engineering for this project is almost
    complete and the plant is scheduled for commissioning in July this year. Detailed testing and pilot work have
    indicated that approximately 30tpd of acid will be recycled within the process, reducing overall acid demand by
    an equivalent amount and reducing the demand for neutralisation reagents. When complete, this will represent
    a significant reduction in operating costs for the project.
    In addition to the acid recovery project, a further project to convert the operation from diesel fired power to grid
    power is now advanced. Current scheduling provides for the conversion to grid power in the first quarter of
    FY2014 and will result in a further significant reduction in operating costs.
    The exploration drilling was halted at the onset of the rainy season in early December, with a large number of
    holes not completed due to drilling issues.
    A total of 12 holes for 1,647m were completed with all holes drilled in the Mpata area. Although uranium
    mineralisation was frequently encountered, no mineralisation of economic grade and thickness was intersected.
    Drilling in 2013 will now concentrate south of the minesite in the South Rukuru Basin in the Nthalire area.
    Mar Jun Sep Dec Total CY2012
    LHM 1,052,364 1,322,480 1,290,462 1,418,583 5,083,889
    KM 724,552 726,299 638,950 772,280 2,862,081
    Total 1,776,916 2,048,779 1,929,412 2,190,863 7,945,970
    Considering Stage 3 expansion at LHM was still in construction/commissioning phase until mid CY2012, the 12
    month production of 5.084Mlb U3O8 that was achieved at LHM came to within 98% of nameplate production of
    5.2Mlb U3O8. At KM, where the operation was still in commissioning phase until September requiring plant
    upgrade with considerable downtime involved, it achieved a 12-month production of 2.862Mlb U3O8, achieving
    87% of nameplate of 3.3Mlb U3O8.
    Nevertheless, the total annual production for CY2012 from both operations reached 7.946Mlb U3O8 or 93.5% of
    the final production design capability of LHM and KM and is considered a very good result, particularly in light of
    the fact that the first quarter included the final stages of Stage 3 ramp-up at LHM.
    The strong combined production over the past two quarters on LHM and KM of 4.12Mlb U3O8, with signs for
    continued improvement, place the Group in a good position to achieve its stated production target guidance of
    8.0 to 8.5Mlb U3O8 given for FY2013, with the opportunity to deliver in the upper end of this range.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 6
    Ref: 294808
    The summer drilling programme was completed in October. A total of 23 diamond core holes for 4,648m were
    drilled, of which 19 holes were drilled at the Michelin Project and four were completed at the Running Rabbit
    Lake Prospect, 1km ENE of the Michelin Project.
    All holes intersected mineralisation as expected, with only a sub-set of drill holes sampled to provide assay data
    for use in developing an appropriate set of gamma logging factors and these are shown in the table below. It is
    expected that in the future only 10% of the drilling will be sampled to provide on-going validation of equivalent
    uranium grades. Geological mapping, prospecting and ground geophysical surveys continued along the
    Michelin trend east and west of the mineralised zone. The results will now be combined to develop detailed
    targets for future follow-up scout drilling.
    Significant results received to date included:
    Hole East North RI Grid Azimuth Dip EOH
    Depth From To Interval
    Michelin Project
    M12-123 6,052,612.9 307,268.9 337.7 NAD83-21 334 -67 156.9 4.6 10 5.4 272
    13 15 2 734
    89 97 8 2,342
    M12-126 6,052,526.7 307,189.7 337.5 NAD83-21 334 -75 198.0 47 64 17 277
    118 124 6 502
    145.8 151 5.2 890
    182 185 3 552
    M12-127 6,052,679.6 307,336.7 339.0 NAD83-21 336 -61 142.0 46 49 3 672
    57 59 2 327
    70 82 12 1,124
    M12-131 6,052,181.7 306,602.0 334.1 NAD83-21 334 -80 194.9 151 168 17 539
    Including 153.48 158 4.52 1,226
    M12-133 6,052,173.6 306,576.5 335.2 NAD83-21 334 -80 210.0 149 158 9 666
    162 167 5 409
    M12-134 6,052,216.3 306,686.4 333.0 NAD83-21 334 -78 232.2 153 163 10 1,384
    M12-135 6,052,216.9 306,686.2 332.9 NAD83-21 334 -55 177.0 132 140.92 8.92 1,242
    M12-136 6,052,216.9 306,686.2 332.9 NAD83-21 334 -55 177.0 107 131 24 690
    M12-138 6,052,221.3 306,637.7 333.1 NAD83-21 334 -83 165.0 143 153 10 1,046
    Running Rabbit Lake Prospect
    RR12-007 6,053,160.6 308,611.6 340.6 NAD83-21 334 -50 285.0 97 105 8 906
    260 269 9 410
    Currently, the planning for a winter drilling programme is being completed. Drilling is expected to start in
    February and will continue into March and April as weather permits.
    MANYINGEE PROJECT, Australia (100%)
    Drilling continued into November with a total of 96 holes for 9,036m of rotary mud and 242m of core being
    Drilling continued to confirm the previously identified mineralisation. Assay results have recently been received
    and are in the process of being validated. Current work concentrates on comparing assay, equivalent gamma
    and equivalent Prompt Fission Neutron (PFN) tool uranium grades to confirm the grades to be used for an
    updated resources estimate.
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 7
    Ref: 294808
    A total of 35 water bores were installed. Initial pump testing was carried out in November and monitoring of
    physical and chemical properties continued into December. The pump tests show permeabilities in the main
    mineralised aquifer sufficient for an ISR operation. The results will be used to develop a new, up-to-date, ground
    water model for the Manyingee aquifer to be applied in any future ISR leach trials and/or operations.
    MT ISA PROJECTS, Australia (91.04% effective)
    The Queensland Government lifted the 27 year old ban on uranium mining in Queensland on 22 October 2012.
    Paladin’s response to this positive change is to pursue a long-term investment strategy in Australia.
    Generally, strategies are under consideration to develop an economic flowsheet for uranium ores of the area
    and to further define new targets for substantial resource increases based on recent geological mapping,
    geophysical results and new modelling.
    Strategic Initiative Efforts
    With the improving production and cost performance of both LHM and KM in parallel with what is essentially a
    global moratorium on supply growth due to low uranium prices, interest has increased to seek a strategic
    association with Paladin and attain a de-risked leverage to growth.
    The strategic initiative endeavours that have been announced in broad terms are continuing with a modified and
    more focussed approach and results of this work are expected by March/April 2013. The strategic initiative to
    date has already resulted in the far-reaching Long Term Sales Contract negotiated with the major international
    nuclear utility, EdF, which involved a US$200M prepayment. The final tranche of US$150M is scheduled to be
    paid at the end of January 2013.
    Cost Reduction/Production Optimisation Initiative
    In November, Paladin announced its programme to reduce costs within the Group expected to realise US$60M
    to US$80M total savings over the next two years. The comprehensive cost and production optimisation review is
    part of the process of moving from development to a sustained production phase. The cost review encompassed
    examination of all activities within the Paladin Group from its mining operations, corporate/administration overheads,
    future development considerations, exploration, sales and business development, some of which is still ongoing.
    Opportunity for re-negotiation of key mining and consumables contracts has arisen, paving the way for material cost
    reductions over the next two years.
    FY2013 Cost reductions:-
    ? Langer Heinrich Mine (US$10M) – Key improvements in mining costs, discretionary spending and contractor
    rationalisation resulting in a 7.5% reduction in unit costs.
    ? Kayelekera Mine (US$10M) - Key improvements in mining costs and discretionary spending resulting in a
    7.5% reduction in unit costs.
    ? Exploration – This will be scaled back by 20% (US$4M) of budget, mainly through deferring non-essential
    ? Inventory management - The Company has revisited its inventory management policy and explored ways to
    maximise cash generation resulting in an expected revenue benefit of US$15M for FY2013.
    ? Corporate overheads – Targeting a reduction of 10% (US$3M).
    Paladin Energy Ltd - Quarterly Report – December 2012 Page | 8
    Ref: 294808
    FY2014 Cost reductions:-
    ? Langer Heinrich Mine (U$10M) – An additional 7.5% reduction in unit costs is targeted as the operation is
    fully optimised with continued process refinement and further reductions in mining costs.
    ? Kayelekera Mine (U$20M) – An additional 15% reduction in unit costs is expected by gaining access to grid
    power supply and completion of the key production optimisation programmes.
    These cost saving initiatives are being implemented and will represent a significant reduction in operating expenditure.
    However, these cost reductions and production optimisation efforts do not include the additional benefits anticipated
    from identified technical innovation, which will deliver further operational efficiencies and improved recoveries, which
    are briefly described in the LHM and KM sections of this report.
    The Ux spot price weakened during the quarter, moving from US$46.50/lb U3O8 in July to a low of US$40.75/lb U3O8 in
    November before recovering to US$43.50/lb U3O8 in December. The Ux term price also fell from US$60.00/lb U3O8 to
    US$56.00/lb U3O8.
    Four key developments that have occurred recently are expected to re-focus attention on the dynamics of mid to
    long term uranium supply growth, which is currently at a standstill.
    ? The new government elected in Japan in December has promised to review the previous government’s
    nuclear phase-out policy and has expressed support for the construction of new nuclear plants. Restarts
    of the 48 nuclear plants currently offline for safety inspections will begin once the Nuclear
    Regulation Authority releases its new safety guidelines, which is expected by mid-year.
    ? Nuclear power plant construction has resumed in China with four new construction starts in November
    and December bringing the total number of new plants under construction to 29 (28,753 MW).
    Worldwide, there are now 67 plants under construction and 437 in operation (including the 48 on
    standby in Japan).
    ? Uranium producers are shelving variously stated plans for further production increases or have deferred
    new projects until the market recognises the need for consistently higher prices to ensure adequate
    sustainable uranium supply in the future.
    ? Industry consolidation continues with the recent announcement of the planned acquisition of full
    ownership of Canadian producer Uranium One Inc. by JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), which is a
    subsidiary of the Russian Rosatom State Energy Corporation.
    This dual event of the return to positive growth in the nuclear industry and a virtual standstill in uranium supply
    growth is unsustainable and only uranium price increases will rectify this major problem for the industry to be
    incentivised and start new development.
    Yours faithfully
    Paladin Energy Ltd
    John Borshoff
    Managing Director/CEO
    The information in this Announcement relating to exploration and mineral resources is, except where stated, based on information compiled by David Princep
    B.Sc who is a Fellow of the AusIMM. Mr Princep has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration
    and to the activity that he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration
    Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”, and as a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. Mr Princep is a full-time employee of Paladin Energy Ltd and
    consents to the inclusion of this information in the form and context in which it appears.
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