Queensland Federal MP Wayne Swan Huge Phone Waste

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    Do these ALP clowns ever learn !

    OPPOSITION back bencher Wayne Swan has managed to rack up a $13,000 phone bill in just six months, almost six times the national average for a federal politician.

    Federal Politics: Queensland MP racks up $13,000 phone bill

    Matthew Killoran, The Courier-Mail
    August 20, 2016 12:00am
    Subscriber only

    OPPOSITION backbencher Wayne Swan racked up a $13,000 phone bill in just six months, almost six times the national average for a federal politician.

    It was one of the highest bills in the country, picked up by taxpayers, trailing only Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s $29,000 bill and then federal Labor backbencher Anna Burke’s $16,000 cost.
    The average telecommunication bill for an MP or senator, between July 1 and December 31, 2015 was $2700, based on analysis of parliamentary entitlements figures.

    The total six-month phone bill for MPs and senators was almost $650,000.

    While phone plans with “unlimited calls” for a capped price have been available for about a decade, a Department of Parliamentary Services spokeswoman said parliamentarians and their staff were moved onto similar plans only this month, where it was cost-effective. It followed “extensive analysis of past usage patterns”.

    Mr Swan, a former treasurer, spent $12,593 on his mobile phone costs and $409.08 on data/wireless modem expenses, which outstripped the bills of ministers.

    By comparison, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s bill was $10,244 and Greens leader Richard Di Natale’s was just over $9000.

    Between September and November Mr Swan racked up more than $3000 each month on the bill.

    But this coincided with his three-month secondment to the United Nations in New York, where he was on official parliamentary business.

    Mr Swan said the higher costs were consistent with his time overseas.

    “I’m a very active local Member, even when I’m away,” he said.

    “My bills have always been a bit larger than others’ because I’m an active member. I stay in touch with a lot of people.
    “It would be consistent to be more than that when I was out of the country for a prolonged period of time.”

    The UN secondment takes place each year with one member from each side of Parliament. LNP senator Barry O’Sullivan, who was also on the UN secondment, had a six-month bill of $4985.
    In previous six-month periods Mr Swan’s bills have been from $4000 to $5000.

    Former prime ministers also have their telecommunication bills paid for by the Government. Their costs range from Bob Hawke’s $16.53 bill to Julia Gillard’s $7714.20 expense. John Howard’s was $5011.


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