Question Calculation value per meter, page-4

  1. 363 Posts.
    Hi Kamprad,

    I understand the question you are asking but it does not have an answer. A single drill hole is essentially a one dimensional data point and cannot have tonnes or ounces attributable to it. Think of it as a single piece from a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that you don't have the completed image to look at... in itself the piece might be interesting but without context it does not provide any real information. What that single drill hole does do is identify that there is gold at potentially economic grades. The next step is to drill more holes to build up an understanding of the full picture.

    If you have more than one drill hole you can begin to work out the volume of rock they provide data on. Once you have three or more data points you can start to build up a three dimensional model that has volume - that is when you can start to calculate the potential contained ounces. Multiply the volume calculated by the rock density (dolerite is around 3) and that will give you tonnes. Multiply the tonnes by the grade then divide by 31.1035 to get the contained ounces. The level of confidence you have in the contained ounces is based on the number of drill holes, their spacing, and the continuity of both grade and structure. The level of data as well as the QAQC processes supporting it are used to determine the confidence level (Measured, Indicated, or Inferred) in the resource.

    Hope that helps!
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