Pinochet was a cruel, brutal dictator who took power by the...

  1. 717 Posts.
    Pinochet was a cruel, brutal dictator who took power by the force of the guns. Nothing to do with the Democratic right. Thatcher and any other democratically elected Leader of the Conservative Side of politics, is being put in power by the vote of the people.
    I would not say the same thing about the Koran dictatorship of Kim Yang or Fidel Castro's Cuba....Just to name a couple......
    By the way, the obsolete now Right-Left political labels, referring to seemingly conservative on the Right, and change driven "progressive"politicians, on the Left, no longer hold any water.
    John Howard, the "conservative" has brought about more political\economic changes than Gough Whitlam-Bob hawke put together....
    GST and IR laws are just two of them.....

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