Run Albo Run! The media is after you, page-31

  1. 6,930 Posts.
    "More classic Albanese bullsh*t in his own words "Idon't run away from press conferences"

    From @Moondoog
    "Albo is a coward"

    Albo's troll army is begging the media to "leave Albo alone". They didn't tell the Mean Girls to leave Kitchins alone.

    Well his ABC and SMH seem to to be bending over backwards to leave him alone. The ABC's so called finance editor searched everywhere for an economist who supported the LNP's housing policy. Alas! Alack! Not a single puppy. Wait.

    He must have only checked out known Labor stooges. Heck for a minute I thought we had another Alberici. No it was just ABC bias.

    Albo's biggest claim to fame was his paramount phrase of self aggrandisement when addressing other automatons......

    "I love fighting Tories". So when an automaton refers to the media as Tories and simultaneously we see Albo in full flight as he fled the Tories at the Press conference then we can deduce that

    Moondoog is 100% correct in his assessment.

    Yes. Albo is a coward.
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