bruhthe ukranians got manipulated, hard.manipulated into...

  1. 669 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    the ukranians got manipulated, hard.

    manipulated into believing that they can win a war against russia. ukrainian mass media and social media channels peddled their anti-russian warmongering hysteria. 'slava ukrainy, fight to the end, kill the russian orcs, we will win! hooraaay!"

    if the ukrainian government was honest from day one, they would have said something like this:

    "we can't win against russia. this war will cause a massive amount of deaths. hundreds of thousands of you will die, millions will become disabled and completely reliant on the state for survival, massive amount of destruction, massive amount of damage to the economy, to a point where all the social spending, pensions, welfare payments will all be paid for by us and eu taxpayers. we will amass hundreds of billions of dollars worth of debt that you and your children/grandchildren will be paying out for decades. closer towards the end of the war, the borders will get shut and you will be kidnapped off the streets and forced to die. and in the end we will most likely end up losing even more territories than we started with anyway.

    so let's vote! who wants a war?"

    unfortunately ukrainian government is either stupid, or is serving agendas that are not inline with the interests of ordinary ukrainians. most likely it's both.
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