Satan in the bible, page-280

  1. 24,827 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Me giving snide remarks, you are the champion at that, and just to quote some that you might see, I have done them is red for you.
    But I notice you tend to do that when you begin to realize, you had it all wrong and unable to find a back door, so you turn it on the person.

    You showed your incompetence, well more like you couldn't see past your contradiction god when it took me over seven times to get it through you that, I never mentioned the transfiguration and it was only after Coppo's comment that you finally shut up about it.

    So no wonder you can't see that You are trying to align two separate events.
    I have spelled it out to you so many times and why they are different and obviously you must know it as well because, Not Once as requested have you been able to show all these things you mention, (other subject) can possibly fit into Mark 9:1 and the reason being is because their not mentioned there.
    Not to mention, you have not got a clue as to what the kingdom of power is and this is evident by your posts.
    And you have the cheek to mock my inability and education standards.

    And you waffle this absolute garbage suggesting that I insist on a flat earth etc, if your so smart on this subject, and know it all, show a single post where I have stated the the earth is flat. All I have ever done is put forward the like of questions, and mocking type jokes, so get your facts right for once.
    Your getting good at running yourself up a gum tree.
    Sad part, You think you can never be wrong and hence this garbage that's been coming out of you over your Mark 9:1 st..... up = Fact.

    ''Just stating the obvious, you know your flawed with the fact you have been "trying" to align two separate events into one, it appears the penny may have finally dropped so you headed into the gutter and DID exactly what you whinge about to others for doing''

    What is actually woeful is your apparent inability to understand logic, reason, science comprehension, or even your own bible, which is reflected in your rambling incoherent posting style and resorting to snide personal remarks whenever put on the spot in an attempt to cover your inability to offer a logical explanation of your own.

    That is not only woeful, but sad. Sad for the education system that failed in your case and sad for you, an individual who cannot accept the world as it is, instead adopting an illusionary set of beliefs formed thousands of years in the past, a flat earth, the earth being the centre of the Universe created by a Cosmic Magician.

    How old are you Mr Wotsup....five? Six?

    A wasted effort Mr Wotsup, it's like something a prep schooler would cook up as an excuse for their inability to see What,,, like the transfiguration subject hahaharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    This coming from a man who has argued that the Earth is Flat as the Bible says, that the Moon landings were faked, etc, even while connected to the world wide web. You have no credibility. Your level of comprehension of science, logic and reason is practically non existent, you are not the one who should be even mentioning the word ''Dumb''
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