But not bored enough to avoid replying it seems. You're just...

  1. 7,132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    But not bored enough to avoid replying it seems.

    You're just upset because you can't really contradict any of my points other than by getting personal. I've even held back on some of the stuff because you're such a sook. AIPAC and ADL are truly relentless, and, even if you and a couple of other little foot soldiers do a nice line in personal insults, it's clear to me you have no argument to what I'm saying beyond the labels and pseudo psychology. I know, when I read something I don't understand, I will go and look into it as best I can. I won't just endlessly try to tie that person up in terminology and stupid interpretations as to what their goals might be. It makes me wonder why YOU'RE here to be honest.

    Arrogant? There's people on this group quite comfortable with the idea that they belong to God's own group of people. Quite comfortable with the notion that one country's representatives are harmfully affecting the operations of otherwise harmonious societies, just because it suits their small group's ultimate goals. A sovereign peaceful country tries to pass some internal legislation, and an unelected body issues economic threats to that country using its adopted country for cover, and you're ok because, don't forget, it's all good if it represents Israel. And I'm the arrogant one!

    Your trust in leaders is amazing given the lies we have been told over the years. Endless lies and misunderstandings surround this country, no wonder they shutdown criticism wherever they can, the criticism would be deafening if they didn't. I even came across the ACT.il phone app which allows anonymous individuals to swarm over other people saying hurty wurty stuff, all for the good of Israel. And yet you still wonder why people used to living in free societies are getting annoyed by all this?

    Finally, not so bored that you couldn't dig around and find out where I live and even take a pop at that. I don't think I've encountered a more snoopy bunch than you guys. Not good, pretty shabby to be honest. I guess, when you have no argument and you start running out of the usual insults, you'll try anything.
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