CTL 0.00% 0.9¢ cleantech lithium plc

Shareholder Action, page-40

  1. 909 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 69
    I do note your concerns with the path forward however, I see this as something that is relatively simple really.

    All we need to do is do it in steps, if looked at in it's entirety it may look a little daunting but, in reality its not.

    1. Get the 5% - (well on  our way but, more holders need to take a few minutes out of their day and send an email)
    2 . Serve the notices - (draft letter already written).
    3. Vote the board out.

    Already, their is discussion of who could fill roles.

    I am 100% certain any challenge along the way can be overcome.

    Back to step 1, If just the people that pledged their shares on HC can take a minute or two to fill out the form or send in an email - the hardest part of this whole thing is done.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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