No! Its about equity in the tax system! Labor introduced...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    No! Its about equity in the tax system!

    Labor introduced superannuation!

    Labor made historic increases to the age pension
    that improved the lot of pensioners driven into dire straits
    when their spouse passed!

    Labor has been the force for fairness to pensioners!

    Self Funded retirees receive considerable benefits getting
    part pensions in many instances and associated health care card.
    They don't pay tax on fund earnings or on their drawings.

    Labor introduced or endorsed such provisions.

    The coalition wanted to use the Labor system to help the wealthy
    so they removed reasonable benefit limits which meant even if the
    super account had $20million they paid no tax. Super became a tax haven,
    a tax free zone for the rich. The system imo was corrupted when the
    Howard govt removed reasonable benefit limits.

    Turnbull to his credit made changes last year introducing a cap on super
    and wow did the same people here screaming about the current proposals
    scream about that.

    By making the system fairer as was originally introduced young people in
    fact will be pleased because they see the equity in that. They want balance
    in terms of the needs of young families versus the needs of older Australians
    whom everyone will become one if they live long enough!

    Your thread header imo is a tad silly!
    Last edited by eagle888: 18/03/18
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