silly shirts and rumpelstiltskin

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Trying hard to be magnamimous here, but really the sight of
    Tim ("Mr. Gillard") lined up alongside Julia in the stock in trade "silly shirt" offical event photo, which is de rigeur for these international talk fests for leaders, I found galling. Surely others do too!
    There he stood for this photo, in the front rwo alongside her, not in a silly shirt but in his suit, pictured with all the attending world leaders, none of whom had THEIR wives, husbands, (or partners if there were any) with them for this official photo. One would imagine that any single, or widowered male leader would not include his girlfriend, if any, in such an official photo. Tim Mathieson is not an official leader attendee, and should ot have been in this particular photo!

    Never saw Jeannette Howard in a silly batik or other ethnic print shirt standing alongside Howard in similar official leader's photos! Keating, Hawke, etc. didn't pose with their wives either - strictly a world leader photograph. Surely Gillard knows the protocol? It's embarrassing.

    Tim also gave us the Royal wave as he stood alongside Gillard on the top steps of the plane leaving Canberra. He was pictured with Gillard, being introduced by her to various world leaders on the way into meetings. Are we to understand that he then sat in on such meetings? Or did he then depart, to join the "wives" at the alternate afternoon tea and entertainment venues? Why are we paying for him to go? He is not an elected representative of this country, and is NOT her official husband. Call me old-fashioned. If she breaks up with him, will she then take the next bloke?

    Ms. Gillard admits that she is not good at such events with regard international diplomacy, and much prefers being in a classroom reading with kids. (why noit leave it to Rudd then - as least he is less gauche and embarrassing). Being a cynic, I thought about why! After all, she chose law as her profession, and not school-teaching. And then I twigged. With Gillard, she always has an ulterior motive in anything she does or plans!

    I heard that her new aim is to introduce certain books to the national curriculum. One of her aims is for every school-child to have to study the Al Gore manifesto of the 37 lies - "An Inconvenient Truth" - either by book or movie. The pennies dropped!

    Yes, the old Marxist trick of get 'em young and brainwash 'em!

    She's not interested in kid's fantasises or enjopyments or Jack and the Beanstalk, Rumpelstiltskin, and Black Beauty. Oh no. Blind them to various opinions, and recruit them young with male cow excrement - and force YOUR views down their throats! More pressure on young minds to the far far Left - and cultivate more future Labor voters. After all, it was her who stated that there are NO LAbor voters amongst old people (therefore they shouldn't get a pension rise!)last year,

    No, national curriculums are her aim! Grab 'em while they're young. The thought of her influence on any national curriculum is quite blood chilling. What'll be next - Mao's Little Red Book?? Or a study of the Long March? China's triumph over Tibet? Fidel Castro, Hero?
    The joys of living in North Korea?

    Wake up Australia. This woman IS a Machiavellian Manipulator of the finest order. And she's after our kids' minds. I see a red neon sign flashing Danger, Danger, Danger!

    Reading for kids indeed! Her plans go much deeper than that!

    WHY are Aussies so gullible, so trusting, and so unable to spot a phony at forty paces?

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