SMH losing its mind..again

  1. 11,988 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3126
    Yes folks, some journo is saying we will all die and that 'our dead future is here'. Good to see Fairfax has a crystal ball. Wonder if the smoke will clear. Someone should tell this bloke that most were deliberately lit and that bush fires are normal this time of year. He should look into arson and lack of back burning before writing that this is somehow the end of the world. Funny how some people seem to think that climate change has just turned on because of some fires and that is the new normal moving forward. Is he a climate scientist? (once you get fires like this, they dont exactly happen in the same place next year) If we managed our fire risk better, a lot of this would not be happening but dont let things like this get in the way of doom and gloom. The paper is alarmist but he will get journo of the year in there. This is what people mean when they say, don't believe what you read. What role does the state govt , all govt's, councils and the greens play?
    He is partially asthmatic. That is not very nice, but Perhaps it could be an article about that rather than blaming climate change. Is this first time he has had an asthmatic attack? What happens when the fires stop? What happens when it rains? That's right, it will never rain again but this bloke will always get his latte on the way to work. Does he own a car, use a mobile, the internet, fly, run aircon, eat meat, fast food, use petrol, have hot showers, live in a house, buy cloths, write alarmist articles? Why do they think the cities are some how immune from nature? People seem to ignore history and forget about fires like Ash Wednesday.
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