Socialism HAS Worked

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    Socialism HAS Worked


    Published on Aug 7, 2016

    ==TIME STAMPS FOR PHONE USERS BELOW== Claiming Socialism has never worked shows clear ignorance for Leftism and history in general. This video explains almost all the times Socialism has been implemented and has either worked extremely well until outside intervention crushed it, or has left real change that can be seen even today. Original inspiration: Script Source: Follow My Hot Takes: Support My Videos: Louis Charles Delescluze/Paris Commune - 1:23 György Lukács/Hungarian Soviet Republic - 3:50 Rosa Luxemburg/Free Socialist Republic of Germany - 6:03 Nestor Makhno/Free Territory - 9:03 Kim Chwa-chin/Shinmin Autonomous Region - 11:15 Buenaventura Durruti/Revolutionary Catalonia - 13:10 Josip Broz Tito/Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - 16:07 Imre Nagy/Hungarian Revolution - 19:12 E.M.S. Namboodiripad/Kerala - 21:15 Alexander Dubček/Prague Spring - 23:13 Salvador Allende/Chile - 24:53 France-Albert René/Seychelles - 27:58 Heng Samrin/People’s Republic of Kampuchea - 30:01 Maurice Bishop/People’s Revolutionary Government of Grenada - 33:32 Thomas Sankara/Burkina Faso - 36:18 Subcomandante Marcos/Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities - 38:49 Salih Muslim Muhammad/Rojava - 40:52
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