The CLEAR facts, the trinity is NOT in the inspired words of the...

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    The CLEAR facts, the trinity is NOT in the inspired words of the Bible.

    Oh my God, really wotsup,I didn’t know that, what have I done, I’m going to become a non-trinitarian now.

    That’s a very shallow take,

    No, that's CLEARLY a shallow assumption made on your part.

    Take those glasses OFF, you just shot yourself in the foot here.
    You have simply jumped the gun, and blindly assumed something else with regards to me saying, the trinity is not in the Bible.
    I mean seriously, what sort of an idiot do you think I am?
    Out of respect for you and not to waste yours or my time, I would never put up a case against the trinity on the bases, the word "trinity" is not in the Bible.
    What I am saying and relaying the overall Bible message is = there is a zero trinity God IN the Bible and it CANNOT EVEN be implied.
    Very slim pickings in the Bible for one, 1-2% TOPS.
    Similar, for a pre-existing Jesus, other than in the mind and plans of the Almighty God and Father who IS the Holy Spirit, One as is One apple.

    The early Christians had no problem understanding the Trinity, they understood it very well, it’s us who have trouble after 2000 years of indoctrination, and you have the indoctrination of the reformers, we haven’t got their mindset of 2000 year ago, but really there is no point in trying to explain much more then this to you, as you’ve put a bubble around yourself due to the encounter with Boral

    The point I was making, the trinity cannot be found in the Bible, implied or other wise, according to the words your church fathers compiled, YES those ones that you apparently, do NOT wish to discuss or accept as the authority on the whose who in regards to God and Jesus, the key and necessary basics, first milk, IF one expects or wants God and Jesus to lead and guide to their Truths.

    As for the Bowral matter, what he highlighted for me was, my shame in that I personally could not explain the trinity in a plausible way and it turn out, that even after reading ALL the said experts essays, neither could they as most of them finished OFF with a disclaimer after miles of hogwash, "no way can explain it as God is a mystery".
    Now THAT flies in the face of John 17:3.

    Hence for me, shame and embarrassment kicked in as I had simply done what everyone has done, and just swallowed what I had been fed.
    But the shame factor was, to ours above, I had clearly been totally neglectful, for simply following mans traditions, Just like you do, but you, more so based on what you say.

    But as for Bowal and what he put up with, with me, at LEAST he was a stayer and didn't just cave in, not like RM who simply left me for dead, the moment I started asking questions and now has me on block.
    So much for going after the lost sheep.

    Bowral and I differ in some key areas, but that will never change the fact of how thankful I am for his efforts etc.
    And another big plus from the event, I am constantly on the alert, to NOT get one eyed and searching for what you want or would like.
    In the right place, mind and at times etc when going through the Bible, if you never get moments the likes of, it's as though Jesus is across the table from you, leading and guiding, then IMO, you should be asking, why not.
    But having said that, I generally don't discuss these things with others, so,... as to what's the norm?

    One of the turning points for me, or had thy mind in a spin was, RM's explanation of the trinity, which I only seriously looked at some weeks down the track, I thought, YOU have got to be kidding, no way is this making sense and in fact, it had many hallmarks of gibber and impossibilities.
    So, a BIG thankyou to RM, for tossing me aside, deserting me,........God works in mysterious ways smile.png

    The very first reformers couldn’t agree on what the bible said,neither the ones that followed after them and had a chain reaction to 30000 different churches.

    If everybody can understand the bible as to what it’s saying then explain why the reformers couldn’t agree?
    If it's that easy the we should only have 1 protestant church

    I'm a little astounded as to WHY you would ask or put these questions to me, when we have numerous Bible verses which answer these points in a flash.
    Do you not accept, the likes of Jesus's words, FEW find it, truth?
    Like the days of Noah, 8 board the boat???????????

    What you appear to ignore IS, all the break aways left and maintained the SAME key and core or necessary beliefs, the first milk -> The whose who regarding God and Jesus, HENCE the very REASON for the points you make.
    Their off these key basics and necessities, IF they want to be led.
    John 4:23-24,....17:3 etc, Not Negotiable, Truth, truth and more truths, a must.


    OK then chum, on the basics of whose who, God and Jesus, I dare you to try your spin and I will let the Bible,

    Read above, anyone can put any meaning to any verse, that’s why I don’t waste my time.

    Your above Just died of a quick death.
    As I said, or to the effect, Just You try and put a spin on the verses in the area of whose who, regarding God and Jesus, and we will let the Bible, not me, wipe that Spin away, not is for a six.
    You leave out the church father gods, Bible only.

    This language, waste of time = Cop out, hot air, excuses etc, no more and not less.
    I simply shows, your mind is locked and loaded, one eyed, blinkers on.

    So my friend if you knock Tradition, Church Fathers and the Catholic Church you have no credibility in using the Bible.

    Absolute rubbish, all it shows is, the putting together of the Bible, the Catholics were simply the tool God used and if they always followed what you claim, then clearly they did NOT understand the Books and words they put together as they do NOT accept numerous passages = fact, TRUTH.
    You have pretty much put you foot in it, as in many areas You have to draw u[on your church fathers and Not the Bible.
    Your relying on the Tradition of men which the Bible strongly warns us to watch out for = they slipped up big time allowing them to get in, eh? tongue.png

    My friend, I have no time in spoon feeding you,you come very strong in saying the bible says this or that but you lack the basic knowledge of bible basics,bible history and reformation basic history.

    So YOU clearly don't like the Bible saying this and that then?
    Are the words true or not in the Bible?
    If they are, the history of the Bible in the hear and now means sh..!
    Likewise, I couldn't give a hooty toot about the reformers, I did NOT learn from them, ONLY the Bible, led via God and Jesus, so are you saying, what your church fathers put together is now cr..?
    And the promise of being led and taught, ask and you shall receive etc. is bull dust in the Bible?

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