Spot the difference, page-23

  1. 23,650 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Jesus never taught his disciples to pray ' Our Father inside us' , instead it was '' Our Father in the heavens''. - Matt 6:9

    Jesus's words or words to the effect - BELIEVE ME, the Father is IN me, if not then believe BECAUSE of the words and works I do, ARE the Father that dwells IN ME.
    Acts 2:22 confirms this. We have Emanuel = God with us and that was IN the flesh of Jesus.
    Jesus performed his Abracadabra's (as you put it) healed via this Spirit.
    This same Spirit, made Jesus alive again, which you don't accept!

    You seem to have trouble digesting, by His Spirit God can be any where and many place at one time and to the amount or measure as he sees fit. (Divide) Your thinking in the earthly way, Jesus tells us about this type of thinking.
    A bit like the rain, picture clouds, the closer you are to God or the more of His Spirit you have, the heavier the cloud.
    Thunderstorms are better to receive as against a white fluffy one haha.

    What do you understand of the account in Rev - They were IN the Spirit?
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