Stephen Fry and God', page-39

  1. 1,452 Posts.
    "You can't win the debate on the contradiction pointed out to you in scripture, and you have no counter to what Stephen Fry says he would say to God if he found that he exits, so you have to resort to attacking his sexuality."

    It's adorable that my stalker is so persistent in sending me love letters. Because you've been hanging out for some attention, I'll give you a pat.

    First up, contrary to your stolid opinion. That discussion was won the minute I introduced the three forms of jealousy that Hebrew uses. Why would I have a counter to what Stephen says to God as he's ignorant and totally wrong. My response was to say he thinks the way he does as to his situation growing up. Do you for one minute assume that he has felt like this all his life. I'm not judging him as you judge me. I couldn't care less what he does. I also don't hate the man, but I do find what he engages in to be a despicable thing. Are you now going to force your opinions on me and stifle my free will. Next you'll be telling me that my abhorrence of pedophiles is unwarranted as I shouldn't judge them either.

    To be absolutely honest, I don't give one monkeys what you think as to me you are the lesser of all your contemporaries bar one.

    You've had a decent pat, now go in the back yard and dig a few holes.
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