
  1. 7,615 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Enough is enough!
    Anyone that condones this behaviour needs to have a good hard look at themselves.
    Lefties, there is no justification, there are no excuses, any decent person should be disgusted by this abhorrent behaviour by BLM and Antifa.
    Yesturday a man and his female companion were set upon in Portland and in an effort to escape crashed his car. They were set upon and he was beaten and kicked unconscious.
    NO person can watch the full video and not be appalled, saddened and disgusted by this ideologically driven madness.
    unfortunately these incidents are becoming way to common.
    Is this really the dystopian society lefties seek? I would like to think not!
    This has to stop and you lefties cheering this garbage and their cause on really need a reality check!

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