Morning all, He has a lot of energy, I'll say that. But is he...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    Morning all,
    He has a lot of energy, I'll say that. But is he smart? Does he have a good supporting cast?

    I slept about 10 hours last night. So tired. Showers again today or not. More towards the end of the week.

    Had quite a conversation with a friend on fb. We were mums at school together years ago. it was about hydrogen cars and evs. Really friendly and interesting with her hubby joining in.

    I haven't read any news yet. Hubby and I having long talks. I am going out later. But am busy with markets. Got my eye on a few. Lot of pip traders around.

    What's Putin up to? He put out a report, I think he's poking the bear. Is the US still buying oil off them? Just asking.
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