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    DESPERATION: Fading Warren TRASHES Bloomberg, Calls Mayor Mike an ‘Egomaniac Billionaire’

    posted by Hannity Staff - 1 day ago

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    Fading presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren ripped Mike Bloomberg on social media Tuesday; labeling the former Mayor of New York City an “egomaniac billionaire” just one day before they share a debate stage in Las Vegas.

    “It’s a shame Mike Bloomberg can buy his way into the debate. But at least now primary voters curious about how each candidate will take on Donald Trump can get a live demonstration of how we each take on an egomaniac billionaire,” posted Warren on Twitter.

    Bloomberg is poised to drop more than $124 million in 14 states ahead of the Super Tuesday primary contests on March 3rd; spending 10 times more than his top Democratic rivals.

    “Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, has also poured millions into ground operations in Super Tuesday states. In Colorado, where voters already are casting primary ballots by mail, he has a paid staff of 55 people; Sanders has two,” reports MSN.

    “For nearly three months, Bloomberg has been the only Democrat to devote most of his travel to those states, which include California, Texas and North Carolina. His opponents are still scrambling to gain traction in contests on Saturday in Nevada and Feb. 29 in South Carolina. Bloomberg is skipping those races, as he did earlier in Iowa and New Hampshire,” adds the website.

    Bloomberg qualified for the next Democratic Debate Tuesday morning, gaining 19% of support nationwide in a last-minute poll conducted by PBS.

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